Are these areas in the "Ring of Fire"? They all struck this morning. How can we be sure its not building up to something?
Someone told me Revelations says in the last days there are going to be a bunch of them. Maybe by the time 2012 gets here, it'll be worse and really be the end. :(
The map looks like a Christmas tree with so mnay in the last week. Even one is SC!!! I'm scared guys!!!
The USGS earthquake map always looks like that. Although we only locate about 50 earthquakes A DAY, they estimate that several million occur every year. This has been going on for billions of years and will continue for billions more. This is business as ususal for the Earth. Saying that there will be earthquakes in the last days is like saying the Sun will rise tomorrow. Since there are always lots of earthquakes, there will be at any given point in time. Earthquakes in seismically active areas are normal. You need to stop looking for things to scare you and then panicking at routine occurrences.
I scare VERY easily. When it comes to someone saying they have proof that my 2 little girls aren't going to make it past their 2 and 4 year birthdays, it terrifies me to no end. I guess even though I have read everything on this site too many times to count, I still have some worry that maybe there is something to all of these earthquakes. Or something to all of the doomsday claims. I am only 24, but I don't even remember Y2K getting this much attention. Now that I know about 2012, I feel like I need to keep a check on everything to see if something has been discovered. My babies and husband are my whole world, and the thought of something happening to them makes my heary hurt. I feel liek if 2012 is real, I have set them up to meet a terrible end. I want them to be able to get their liscenes and got to prom. Get married and have their own families one day and I, for the life of me, cannot shake the fear that 2012 is the end.
Someone on Yahoo Answers said that according to this website, earthquakes are increasing. They also said Revelations does tell of wars, quakes, and famine in the last days. What do you guys make of the site I listed below?
Laura, I don't really know if I'm qualified to answer your questions. But since I'm currently in the same situation as you, i.e. anxious about the doomsday claims, I'll give it a try. Believe me, I have covered almost every angle of this whole hysteria, looking for answers/evidence of an impending doomsday. You know what? I haven't found ANY evidence whatsover of that. One of my biggest fears since I saw that ridiculous movie, 2012, have been earthquakes.
So naturally I started searching the web for information about the increase of earthquakes, and sure enough you will encounter some sites claiming to have "evidence" of this increase. But I can tell you one thing, that took a while for me to comprehend. If you want real evidence, go to the credible sources (in this case). All doomsday sites may claim to be concerned, and providing the evidence without any alternative motives, but that is a lie. All doomsayers twist the facts in order for them to fit their own agenda, whatever it may be.
I know it may be hard to take my word for it, but as I said, I've looked in to this matter more than I wanted to. All I have come up with is that no one, not even God (or whatever omnious being you believe in), knows when the world is going to end.
As for the earthquakes I think that the numbers are rather ordinary (as have been pointed out to me by many on this site). Here you can check for yourself:
Looking at the first page you can see what the average number of any magnitude earthquake/year is and looking at the other link will show you that it adds up quite well.
Hope this helps a little
You are at least as qualified as any of the 'doomsday' sites. I've been watching your posts here, and I wanted to acknowledge and say "thank you" for giving back. Only someone who has been in your position can truly understand how terrifying these false rumors can be.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Hi Laura,
When I click on your link nothing comes up, but the link doesn't sound like a scientific site. The USGS is the primary expert on earthquakes though. I think I probably told you this before, but the most powerful earthquake ever measured was in 1960. That doesn't mean that there have not been more powerful ones back before we had the ability to measure them. It DOES mean that there has not been an earthquake as powerful as that one in the 50 years since then.
The Bible does indeed say that there will be wars, earthquakes, and famine in the end times. What you evidently don't know is that there has NEVER been a time in history when there were NOT wars, earthquakes, and famine. They were saying the same BS back in the seventies, also at the millennium and at the first millennium, and all the doomsdays before and after those. lists failed doomsday predictions back to 2800 BC.
You are a mother now. Your children will be aware of your fear and they will grow up fearful as a result. You need to be the adult and help your children grow up to be confident adults. Please stop looking for things to be afraid of. Haven't you noticed that the doomsayers don't provide one iota of evidence to back up their claims? That's because there isn't any. There is absolutely nothing to indicate that 2012 is going to be anything other than an ordinary year. Anyone who tells you differently is trying to sell you something.
For the sake of your children please try to calm down and use your common sense. There have been hundreds of predicted doomsdays for thousands of years. The accuracy of those predictions has obviously been absolutely 0%.
I can't tell you anything about that site, because I can't seem to open it. Is that the correct URL?
However, as Richard has already pointed out, the claim that quakes are increasing in size or number is false.
As far as wars go, sadly there seems like there is always at least a few wars around. I can't think of a single year that was free of war somewhere in the world in modern history. I think I read somewhere that there is an average of five armed conflicts going on at any particular time. Warfare is nothing new, and it seems to be fairly constant, so saying "there will be wars and rumors of war" is pretty much a 'gimme'.
Ditto with famine, also very sadly. One of the great wastes of mankind is spending money on guns and bullets instead of digging wells and ploughing fields.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Hello again, Laura;
I scare VERY easily.
We've noticed, but that's ok… that's why we made this site.
When it comes to someone saying they have proof that my 2 little girls aren't going to make it past their 2 and 4 year birthdays, it terrifies me to no end.
Unfortunately there are people who don't care about how terrified they make you feel, as long as you visit their website, and maybe click on a few ads, or even better, if you buy their book or video.
I'm considerably older than you. In fact I'm old enough to be your father (although my oldest child is only 14). When I was a bit younger than you I got taken in by all kinds of things. I suppose that my current cynical state is due to my embarrassment at various bone-headed mistakes I made early on. Nowadays, when someone says something to me, the little snide voice in the back of my head sneers "Oh yeah? Prove it!". Got an ancient artifact that shows a space-ship? Prove it! Got a hammer encased in rock? Prove it! Got proof the world will end in 2012? Prove it!
I have four kids. I'm very protective of them. If I thought there was any merit to any one of these claims, I'd be screaming for someone to do something, or to get out of my way while I do it.
The doomsayers have a couple of problems: 1) Most of the time their claims are vague: "… according to some researchers, such and such might happen …" etc. These claims can't be nailed down to a specific cause or a specific mechanism, or even a specific claim in many cases. This makes them totally useless as arguments in logic or as evidence in science. 2) When the claims are specific, they are shown to be incorrect. For example, if a doomsayer claims that Nibiru is on a 3600 year orbit that brings it close to earth, we can show that Kepler's laws dictate an orbit that is so elongated that it would have been flung off into interstellar space long ago.
I guess even though I have read everything on this site too many times to count, I still have some worry that maybe there is something to all of these earthquakes. Or something to all of the doomsday claims.
We understand. Really. The thing is that you've been scared of this so severely that it is now an emotional response, rather than a reasoned one. Your body kicks into the 'fight-or-flight' reflex at the mere mention of 2012. It is becoming a phobia.
I have a similar problem. In January I had an unfortunate encounter with a dog… a Pit Bull. I was lucky to get away with just a few scratches, and I thought everything was cool. However, a few weeks ago I was working in my front yard, and I saw a guy coming down the street walking his pit bull. Almost before I realized it, I had picked up a shovel and was ready to try and kill the dog if it even looked at me.
It's natural. You get scared enough, and you become attuned to that situation, and you get a nice shot of adrenaline when that situation occurs again. I'll get over my fear of Pit Bulls. You'll get over your fear of 2012.
You're also a mother, and you are feeling very protective. So all of this is natural.
I'm not a psychologist. I can tell you what works for me. Face the fears, and recognize that they are unreasonable. Remind yourself that the gut-wrenching anxiety you feel is a physical reaction to an emotional state… it means nothing as far as whether or not your fear is justified. Another thing I've found is that some people who are fearful of 2012 are actually using 2012 as an excuse… a focal point to justify their feelings. In other words, for these people, if it wasn't 2012, they would be terrified of David Icke's reptilian aliens.
I am only 24, but I don't even remember Y2K getting this much attention.
Your memory is pretty good… Y2k didn't get this much attention in the fringe media. It got plenty of attention in business and legal circles, however.
I want them to be able to get their liscenes and got to prom. Get married and have their own families one day and I, for the life of me, cannot shake the fear that 2012 is the end.
There is no reason why those things can't happen. It won't be too long and you'll be "Grandma Laura", showing your kid how to change diapers.
Your fear of 2012 is just that… a fear. It's not real. It's like the monster than lived under your bed when you were a kid… you know, the one that made you jump to get in bed, so it wouldn't grab your ankles? When the light was on, it disappeared.
That's what this site is… the light.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Going with Astro on this one.
I really can't relate to fearing 2012, or any other doomsday prophecy for that matter, Laura, but I will tell you something and I don't care who likes it and who doesn't;
From the age Seven, I basically grew up on the streets, sure, I had a home, but I grew up around gangs, I grew up in a dangerous neighborhood, the chances of me dying back then were… well… the chances were too high and as a result, I matured early, mentally, fear was something that was common-place for me. Fear of getting jumped from behind, fear of getting shot, fear of worse things than death itself, but as I was getting older, I soon realized that I was letting my fears cage me, envelope me and stack me in a corner and finally I said "That's enough" and I went out into the world braver and bolder than ever before. Fear is normal, it's literally our own little survival mechanism, but the point here, is that you shouldn't let your fear cage you and trap you and stop you from living and experiencing life at its fullest.
I'm not the smartest person that you will ever meet and I don't pretend to be, but you know what I do have? I have street smarts and I have experience in getting myself back under control and back on the right track.
So, basically I'm saying that you should live your life, outside of your cage, you should have a family, experience life, see your children and your grand children and maybe even your great grand children grow up.
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I don't mean to bother you guys or sound like a broken record, with my constant questions and worrying. This 2012 stuff just seemed to have "evidence". Like the Mayan calendar. I think it scared me so bad because it's been on TV so mnay times and NASA has taken such an interest. I am just trying to understand everything about it I can. This site helps me to feel better…Until, I find something else to worry about. :) Thanks for helping. I'm sure over the next 2 years I'm gonna be back with more rambling and more questions. I literally check this site everyday to see what else you guys have debunked. Are you going to be adding more pages on stuff like the LHC and NASA concpiracy and such? It's nice to come here and ask questions without being treated like a nut case. My husband thinks I've gone off the deep end. He syas its all a big pile of crap. I want to be like that, but his stuff has taken hold of me and won't let go.
No need to apologize.
We started this site specifically to address fears just like yours. It wouldn't do us much good to not answer these questions.
We have several pages 'in the works', but unfortunately I have some time constraints due to my job, so I haven't been able to crank them out as quickly as I'd like. It is easy and quick to crank out a bunch of lies like the doomsayers do, but it takes time to research and debunk them.
I'm not as blunt as your husband, but yes, I think it's all a big pile of crap.
Please feel free to ask questions here as often as you'd like. Many times we've generated pages from the answers given here in the forums. Don't be afraid to ask… we don't bite.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
I believe those are in the "Ring of Fire", along with Chile, Java, the Himalaya's and a few other places, to be quite honest, though, the amount of earthquakes this year really doesn't surprise, or amaze me in any way.
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Puerto Rico isn't in the ring of fire. But does it have a lot of earthquakes?
Well, I'm not a professor of this stuff (earthquakes), but if I remember right, Puerto Rico has the average amount of earthquakes, just like any other place, where ever there is a fault line, there's bound to be tremors or earthquakes.
Really, though, if you're looking for a more technical response then one of the others could explain it a bit better, but in "dumby" terms, it's nothing to be worried about and as far as I know, there's nothing surprising about the earthquakes of this year compared to any other year.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
Well, technically Puerto Rico is not on the "Ring of Fire", but it is sitting right at the boundary between the North American and Caribbean tectonic plates, so yes, it is prone to earthquakes.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Alene or Asrogeek what's your say??
Could you also, dummy this down? I figured you could explain the calendat thing to me a little better. Especially since he talks about you, Bill. Is this page written by Mark VanStone from Also, didn't he say somewhere in there that the Maya did expect this world to end like the last 4? The Maya stuff confuses me to no end.
Yes, that page is about this site (and me in particular), and yes, that is the same Mark Van Stone from FAMSI.
I'm not sure what you would like me to explain. The calendar?
As far as the Maya believing that "this world to end like the last 4"… I think you are referring to an Aztec belief. The modern Maya appear to have absorbed the Aztec "five worlds" belief. Remember that the collapse of the Mayan Civilization as a major power in the Yucatan occurred well before the arrival of Europeans. The Maya were essentially replaced by the Aztec over a period of time beginning around 900 AD. There were pockets of Maya living within the larger Aztec civilization. The Maya appear to have absorbed some Aztec beliefs during this time. We do not think that the "classical" Mayan civilization held the "five worlds" belief, because it is not reflected in the archaeology.
I'll drop a note to Johan Normark and John Hoopes to see if they want to weigh in on this.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Hi Astro and Laura,
Well, I waded through 105 pages of Mark Van Stone's presentation on the Mayan Calendar and remaining Mayan writings. At the end was a summary indicating that the Maya didn't expect this "creation" to stop at 13, but to continue on up to 20 bak'tuns.
Quote from his summary"
"The PalenqueMaya did not expect 2012 to be the end of days.They calculate a piktun‐ending with a piktun of 20 bak’tuns. This could not happen if the bak’tun reset again after it reached 13. It was important to them to connect events in Pakal’s life with like events in previous Creations and future eras (even though time itself seems not to exist in any coherent way between Creations). The most important connection between events seems to have been that they occur on the same Calendar Round."
Thanks, Alene;
The passage above has a clue that should bring up warning flags whenever someone discusses what "the Maya" believed.
The Palenque Maya did not expect 2012 to be the end of days
"The Maya" were not a uniform people, who all believed the same thing. The civilization was carved up into a feudal 'city-state' system, where the various urban centers competed for trade, profit, and regional influence.
We cannot generalize what we know about a sub-group of Maya to the Maya as a whole.
In addition, it was apparently the fashion of the day to have the priesthood 'fudge' the belief systems just a bit, to cast the king of a community in a favorable manner.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
So, is the quote Alene put on here from Mark VanStone correct? They they expected time to continue on until 20?
As I told you in my previous (and last to you since you implied I'm lying to you) post, that statement was copied directly from Mark Van Stone's article on the FAMSI site, which I got to from the link YOU posted here.
Didn't mean to offend you Alene, if I did. I just didn't quite catch on to what AstroGeek was saying. Alene, you have been a lot of help, and i wouldn't offend you on purpose!!! Sorry!! :)
Basically, Laura, they're saying that the long-count calendar continues for quite some time, despite the common misconception that the calendar ends in 2012. It continues on to the 20th bak'tun and further, for all we know.
If of course I'm understanding his quotes correctly, but I'm not entirely sure that I'm understanding it correctly due to fatigue from work. By the way, sorry for beating a dead horse, I just noticed these comments. Durrhurr.
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