The 21nd of December 2012 will come to pass. Stop worrying.
In my lifetime of 17 years there has been numerous 'doomsday predictions'. Any of you 15+'s will remember Y2K, when all computers were meant to frazzle out, causing explosions, and sattelites falling from the sky, planes to fall out… we would be 'going back to the dark age.' Did it happen? No.
05/05/00 - The planets supposedly aligned. Everyone worried about the end of the world from polar shifts, gravitational pulls, global disaster… NAH! (The same hysteria happened in March 1982… for the same theory)
We are a very advanced civilization, but just as we are behaving now, future civilazations will uncover an old printed piece of paper with some numbers on (probably a bank statement) and work the numbers so they predict doomsday.
The whole 2012 hysteria started with the theory of the Mayan Long Count calendar. Just as our calendar rolls over to a new year at midnight on 31st December - 1st January, the Mayan Long Count calendar rolls onto another cycle (the 14th Bak'tun) on 22nd December 2012. A new cycle sparked celebration in Mayan times… and would you REALLY trust a civilazation who believed that the only way the sun would rise was if a sacrifice was made? They are told to have been good astronomers but their cosmology was extremely… well, silly, and don'tthese two relate.
Another 2012 theory is that of Nibiru or a planet X, now anybody who KNOWS the beginning of the Nibiru theory will agree, it's total nonsense. But for those of you who are ignorant to this knowledge: A guy finds a seal from an ancient peoples (sound familiar yet?) and uses it to interpret that- wait- this ANCIENT civilization knew of a 12th planet (Nibiru) that comes arond very 3600 years. Sound crazy yet? Well heres the best bit- apparently the 'Gods' that live on theplaet, genetically engineered humans! From apes. Now… crazy? Need I say more? No? Well I'm gonna. This guy (Sitchin) barely can tranlate it, so his translations are very sloppy. Scientists have looked at the facts, realised Nibiru's supposed orbit is completely impossible. And in his original translations, Sitchin didn't even predict Nibiru's next vist for another 70 years! Theory deunked? Kea thinks so.
Next theory… hmmm… that of Solar flares. Now, i have to admit, I am no scientist, but I do have some common sense. Solar maxima (the time when theres most solar activity) occur every 11 years. The next solar maxima is set to occur between 2011 and 2014. However scientists have put the date at a gues of March to May 2013. we have had a lot of bad solar storms- they can have an effect on Earth, but mainly with communications. Anyone interested in finding out more about these effects can have a look at the Carrington event. Sure, predictions have set the next Solar Maxima as 30 - 50 percent stronger than the last, but even that is not serious. It just means magnets may sometimes go haywire and the sun will be prettier for scientist to see.
Polar shift? Polar shift is a threat that the Earth may have to face one day, but this is not gonna happen in 2012. Polar shifts take thousands of years to complete. Even if one did begin in dec. 2012, it wouldn't affect us. At all.
Now, I was once a believer of the 2012 theory and the theory that messed me up the most is all that about the galactic plane, or alignment or all that. i didn't like it because I didn't understand it. now, tis is not something I could explain without quoting this sites page in full, but check this page; . If not, just take me at my word; the measurements are wrong, there will be no 'divine alignment' we'll live another day. And even if we did align, the effects wouldn't be big and they certainly would not ust suddenly start, the effects would be gradual, fear not. We will not die.
Theres a whole lot more theories that are debunked on this site, I just covered the more popular one.
MY final words: the world will end one day (most likely for the sun burning out and engulfing the Earth) but thats not for 5 billion years. We all die one day. Any one of you could die tomorrow, or next month, or next year or in 80 years. Some people WILL die on 21st December 2012. It won't be death by apocolypse. it will be an elderly man succumbing to a disease, or a normal fire getting out of control, or someone falling off a cliff, or a car crash. Life will go on. Hypothetically, the Earth could end any day, tomorrow, next year, in 50…and so on, so theres no point dreading every day! Trust my word, I may not be a scientist, but im not stupid. (And I did get A grades in science ;)) The world is not going to end on the 21st december… and if it does, you can say "I told you so!" ;)
In my opinion; the world has existed for so many billion years (I think). How lucky (or unlucky) would we have to be to be the generation alive on the day the Earth ends? The odds are billion trillion gazillion fillion to one… you'll live to see many more 'doomsdays'. Just live life worry free.