So, someone posted a question on Yahoo! Answers about the 2012 stuff and said that the reason the Polish(I could be wrong??) President and his wife so many other prominent people dies was because, just like in the movie, they knew 2012was the end and they were going to epose it. So, to keep them quite, they axed them….. :)
Yes, these conspiracy nutcases are quite amusing. In their world, accidents never happen. If one of them trips over in the street, it's because there's a secret government bunker below them and the tunnelling has displaced the paving slabs.
I think we need a Poe's Law corollary for conspiracy theorists and doomsayers.
"Due to the extreme absurdity inherent to many genuine conspiracy and doomsday propositions, it is impossible to make a sarcastic conspiracy or doomsday proposition that is sufficiently absurd to dispel all notions of the proposer's sincerity."
The Polish air tragedy seems to have, once again, created a situation wherein the doomsayers can't get their stories straight. The two claims that I've seen so far: 1) the Polish were killed by the NWO/Reptilians/Bilderbergs for knowing too much about 2012, and 2) the plane was downed by a massive CME (that didn't actually reach the earth until the following day, incidentally, nor was it a large one). Nobody in Conspiracy Land seems interested in considering that it was a very old aircraft, with outdated equipment, being flown in heavy fog even after the tower advised the pilot not to land.
You can probably add in addition to outdated equipment; it's possible that Poland hadn't deemed it economically feasible to add in the redundency mechanisms that the Soviets/Russian were notorious for not implementing to save money.
Without such redundency measures, Russian craft have a third of the life expectency of it's US counterparts.
Another fantastic example of people who spend too much time in front of a television, rather than outside and experiencing life. If one were to go outside and explore as much as I do, they would see that nothing has really changed. People still kill people, birds still migrate, cars are still loud, neighbors are still annoying, lazy people claim to know everything when they won't even bother to get off of the couch and walk outside.
The ideal that the government is "offing" people because they are threatening to reveal a "doomsday" is hilarious, if you take into consideration the amount of websites that claim to be revealing hidden evidence of a "doomsday", but they aren't dead, they haven't been assassinated. Of course if you present this fact to them, they will say something to the effect of "I use false names, I hide behind proxies!" if one person truly believes that the government can't break through their proxies and find their true names, then they're living in a fantasy world, which is obvious that these doomsayers not only live in their fantasy world, but they're trapped in it.
Sad, sad little people.
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