I am so tired of hearing about 2012 and seeing it mentioned in random places. Today my husband was playing a game on the PS3 and someone's screenname was {2012}ItsTheEnd or something stupid like that. Also, I live on the East Coast and apparently the oil spill is fixing to get worse, there's no end in sight. And some people are saying it was prophesized in the bible and other places about it and that it ties to the purported 2012 "doomsday". If NASA is so hell bent on setting the record straight and saving peoples lives that may do something stupid due to this, why don't they go on the record..they do have their own channel afterall and tell what they think. Makes me wonder if they are worried about something…..i am so freaking tired of worrying myself sick over this stuff!!!!
NASA has addressed 2012 doomsayers "on the record," so to speak.
They also have their "Ask an Astrobiologist" site, which has been flooded with Nibiru/2012 questions. NASA is an aeronautics and space institution, not a doomsday- and conspiracy theory-debunking institution. It's only because of this growing hysteria that they've felt the need to say anything at all.
Consider also that this is a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation for their scientists. On one hand, people claim they aren't saying enough, and this is used as an excuse to accuse them of covering up the 2012 doomsday. On the other hand, people claim they're saying too much, which is also used as an excuse to accuse them of covering up the 2012 doomsday. Still other people invoke magical and spiritual forces, such as prophecy and ill-defined events like "awakening" and "enlightenment," so nothing NASA has to say is going to assuage them anyway. It's a no-win, so all they can do is report the facts — that no evidence exists supporting doomsayers' claims — and leave it at that.
Makes me wonder if they are worried about something…..
Makes me wonder if they are worried about something…..
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
I think you and your website are apart of a HUGE cover-up…and I think with all the pertinent info you have ,you MUST be Governmentally connected. To little to late !! Your site is VERY SUSPICIOUS and has way to much information for just being a regular site.I guess we will all find out the truth eventually,so deflect from the truth,WHY NOT!!!! ,YOU and your kind (POLITICIANS & GOVERNMENT) have been deceiving the public for centuries. I am quite sure there will be other ways, that this issue will try to be pushed aside, while other catastrophes are being thought up, to deflect people from knowing the REAL truth. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF !!!!! At least give humankind time to prepare, as well as those of you in the high ranks, have been doing.How do you save 6 1/2 billion people…You Dont!!! Instead contaminate their food ,water , air, and maybe even inject them with viruses.Mother nature can also help out a bit by spreading toxins from that catastrophic oil spill and destroying millions if not billions of marine animals,plants, shorelines and the livelihood of thousands of people.We still havent been told WHAT or WHO caused the explosion!! Is 2012 just a hoax ????? I have more faith in the MAYANS,NOSTRADAMUS,HOPI, and MILLIONS of others than in the governments of this planet.I hope all of those whom are using this website to DEBUNK the real truth, are being paid well, and will be able to live with themselves when they realize they chose the side of the VILLAINS.(Whoever your working for has brainwashed you and is trying to do the same thing to the rest of us.) THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE
I suggest that anyone that is pro 2012 not waste their time on this site !!!!.Most of the feedback is uneducated & antagonistic.They are mostly RUDE CHILDISH comments and quotes from the BIBLE. DO NOT give this website the traffic they are relying on to stay on the net.Let them occupy themselves with their inaccurate plagerized comments.Most comments are questionable as to whether the responder is over 12 years old, although there have been a few big words thrown around.Possibly to impress those who are fencesitters and mistakenly think their questions will be answered intelligently on this web site. NOT!!They want proof these things exist…..but cant prove they dont.Chances are they are willing to believe there is a GOD (no proof) and that the Bible was transcribe as being the word of GOD ( no proof)…..and are probably still telling all those 3rd Graders that there is a Santa Clause & an Easter bunny ( no proof),or heres a good one,that the world is round!!!!!They insist that the HISTORY CHANNEL, DISCOVERY CHANNEL,DAVID SUZIKI,and thousands of other scientists, physicist,Nobel Prize winners, NASA, are all making this up,that we are all fearmongers.SOOO……Who is DELUSIONAL this entire site and all those on it.See you in Heaven, OOPS (no proof) more than likely in Hell, OOPS (no proof)