Do none of you read? Do none of you really pay attention to everything that Astro, Alene, Juju and many others say? Are all of you really so hell-bent on living in paranoia that you're willing to go out of your way to find something else that scares you, even after everything else has been thoroughly dismissed?
I know that some of you are scared, but damn… Stop looking shit up just to scare yourself again and then run back with the same exact questions, but with different and even more illogical theories than before.
There aren't more earthquakes, there aren't any invisible planets coming our way, there isn't some magically appearing black hole that's going to swallow our planet, the Earth isn't drifting toward the Sun, the Moon isn't moving closer to the Earth, there hasn't been an increase in volcanic activity, aliens aren't going to come down in disc-shaped objects and fire laser beams at us, Obama isn't the Anti-Christ, Jesus' second coming isn't in 2012, the Maya didn't say anything about an end-time in 2012, nor did Nostradamus or any of the other "prophets", the current pope isn't the last pope, nor a sign of a magical force that's going to destroy our species or planet.
Learn to read what these people are trying to say and learn to pay attention to the people who are trying to help you.
Now, if none of you mind, I have a festival to get to on the 5th and a life to enjoy. Tata for now.
X's and O's to the 2012 staff.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.