Ok, but they say in the video, according to a translation made by someone on GLP that speaks russian, that they saw a red dot in the sky that was supposed to be Nibiru: //"This week in the sky, there's a new object: a weak reddish dot. While watching her only astronomers, but by May 2011, it can be seen naked eye. This is a "dark planet", she Nibiru - a mysterious part of our solar system. The probability of its existence, NASA recognized only in 1982-th year, even though Sumerians 5000 years ago called it "winged disk" and argued that the appearance of Nibiru in the sky promises to some trouble. Which, found Alexander Ogorodnikov.
Can the sky fall on the ground - the question is no longer relevant. Progressive mankind is waiting for a grand event - the fall of another planet to Earth. Certainly not in the literal sense of the word. But the planet Nibiru podletit to us so close that the consequences could be catastrophic. The point is that Nibiru or how else it is called, Planet X, much larger than Earth, and therefore its gravitational field is much stronger. Its devastating impact we prochuvstvuem in early 2013, when the convergence will be maximized. As a consequence - to change the tilt of our planet, and, respectively, and the poles, global cooling, where heat now, and the next world flood. Two-thirds of the population of the planet simply die.
However, there is another version of what we expect from the mysterious planet. According to one theory, Nibiru - Planet of the Gods it. In ancient texts, they are called Anunaki, that is "descended from heaven," and, according to the same text, the Anunaki - these are our ancestors. Once upon a time, using our planet as a spaceship, they podleteli to Earth and settled her like. Since then, every few thousand years Anunaki arrive to us with the inspection.
Alexander Voronin, President of Russian society to study the problems of Atlantis: "Every 3600 years, it is alleged, is close to the solar system to Earth, and so down to earth, make it some research - and conducting genetic research and genetic operations with the man. Then again, they are supposedly moving to our planet and disappear in the mist of times ".
This frequency of occurrence on Earth Anunaki determined orbit Nibiru. She, in contrast to the trajectories of the other planets of the Solar system, greatly elongated. So it turns out that she then arrives, the vn6ov disappears. The author of this theory has become a famous American scientist Zakaria Sitchin. In his works he drew on the ancient Sumerian texts and in particular the Babylonian poem "Enuma Elisha. Man uninitiated think that this is simply a legend of the war gods. But Sitchin in his works proves that the ancient epic, albeit with the help of images, but accurately describes the process of creation of our solar system five billion years ago. Sumer, though they lived 5000 years ago, knowledge of astronomy possessed almost bigger than we are today. The question, from which they could know this. This is an occasion to reflect on what we have is real and aliens. All the more so as the "missing link" in the chain of human development has not yet been found.
Alexander Voronin, President of Russian society to study the problems of Atlantis: "There exist certain pratsivilizatsii, which gave impetus to the great civilizations - the Indian, Sumerian, Egyptian and even the Central. Many people have myths and legends that their forefathers descended from heaven. 220 human genes do not belong to any earthly organisms - this is what science says. And it is said in favor of the version space - that people are actually descended from space aliens. "
Igor Kopylov, Ph.D., Professor of Moscow Power Engineering Institute: "It is a fact that the Atlanta 20 million years ago, arrived with their planet, which they then blew up - an belt of meteorites from the planet, and they settled down to us on Earth They brought the knowledge and small appliances to us. They brought all the representatives of its fauna. you know, and the mermaids with tails, and others that they have evolved, and then they lived on our planet. "
Igor Kopylov, although the version space is of human origin, but said that the representatives of the ancient pratsivilizatsii arrived from another planet. Although Nibiru on him really existed. However, in his calculations, "Dark Globe" is smaller than describe her Babylonian legend, but also the absolutely insipid.
Igor Kopylov, Ph.D., Professor of Moscow Power Engineering Institute: "The temperature at the edge of the universe is approximately equal to the temperature of space, that is minus 4 degrees Kelvin. Intelligent life and wildlife is all the more impossible for such a distance from the Sun - too little energy it receives. There, the conditions for the existence of life is impossible. "
4 degrees Kelvin - that's about minus 270 degrees Celsius, so that the normal person on Nibiru really lives there. But, according to legend, the gods inhabit this planet, whether they need a lot? And in general, and froze hungry God - this is nonsense, perhaps, even for scientists. Incidentally, with regard to astronomers - in their calculations Nibiru does not exist. After all, the planet of such size, that is described in ancient legends, was summoned to the solar system, gravitational perturbations. And it is not. To explain this could be that the Sumerians knowingly exaggerated the mass of the divine world, showing its outer meaning. Moreover, in the same texts to say: Nibiru - is a big space ship or station. But such objects, according to astronomers in the distant outer space are likely to exist.
Dmitry Vibe, a leading researcher at the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences: "In principle, of course, beyond the orbit of Pluto, or, more correctly, outside the zone Koypera we can expect the existence of large bodies, and recent discoveries have proved that in principle there may be more unidentified body, for example, the size of Pluto. "
And Pluto, it's astronomical community has been withdrawn from the list of planets, not too small … at least for the accommodation of ethnic Anunaki. So, if we still do not see Nibiru, that does not mean that it's not. However, the truth is already very close. According to some estimates, by 2011 we will see a dark planet, even the naked eye. A December 21, 2012 Nibiru drop by. It zasiyaet in our sky a bright red star, like a second sun. By the way, whether accidental coincidence or not, but in this day ends and the current era of the Maya calendar.
Dmitry Winter, a writer, researcher: "Each of the eras that have been and will be represented in the form of a long night, after which there is awakening. Now the era is over, ending the night, the sun shall rise, according to Mayan legend, and the awakening of humanity must occur . This is described as a positive process, which people were waiting a very long time preparing for it and when it comes, everything is happy. "
And while the Maya texts said nothing about the planet Nibiru does not link these two events is impossible. All the more so as the Sumerians, and Indians that day - Dec. 21, 2012 - one way or another connected with the coming to Earth Gods.
Dmitry Winter, a writer, researcher: "In humans, according to the texts of the Maya, have to wake up some supernatural abilities. Supernatural is not in terms of laws of nature, but in terms of our current understanding of the laws of nature. According to the Scriptures it is possible to think that people , in fact, become the Gods. "
Of course, to treat all these legends can be treated differently. But their supporters and opponents agree in one thing - to wait is short. So time is very soon, all put in its place."//
This sounds utterly absurd, but what could the red dot they mention be? And how could it come here in only 2 yrs if it is so far away that it appears as a red dot to astronomers now? By the way, the cited text is a (poor) translation of the show…