I think you and your website are apart of a HUGE cover-up…and I think with all the pertinent info you have ,you MUST be Governmentally connected. To little to late !! Your site is VERY SUSPICIOUS and has way to much information for just being a regular site.I guess we will all find out the truth eventually,so deflect from the truth,WHY NOT!!!! ,YOU and your kind (POLITICIANS & GOVERNMENT) have been deceiving the public for centuries. I am quite sure there will be other ways, that this issue will try to be pushed aside, while other catastrophes are being thought up, to deflect people from knowing the REAL truth. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF !!!!! At least give humankind time to prepare, as well as those of you in the high ranks, have been doing.How do you save 6 1/2 billion people…You Dont!!! Instead contaminate their food ,water , air, and maybe even inject them with viruses.Mother nature can also help out a bit by spreading toxins from that catastrophic oil spill and destroying millions if not billions of marine animals,plants, shorelines and the livelihood of thousands of people.We still havent been told WHAT or WHO caused the explosion!! Is 2012 just a hoax ????? I have more faith in the MAYANS,NOSTRADAMUS,HOPI, and MILLIONS of others than in the governments of this planet.I hope all of those whom are using this website to DEBUNK the real truth, are being paid well, and will be able to live with themselves when they realize they chose the side of the VILLAINS.(Whoever your working for has brainwashed you and is trying to do the same thing to the rest of us.) THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!