Pandora (guest) 8 Jun 2010, 11:49 -0-600
I suggest that anyone that is pro 2012 not waste their time on this site !!!!.Most of the feedback is uneducated & antagonistic.They are mostly RUDE CHILDISH comments and quotes from the BIBLE. DO NOT give this website the traffic they are relying on to stay on the net.Let them occupy themselves with their inaccurate plagerized comments.Most comments are questionable as to whether the responder is over 12 years old, although there have been a few big words thrown around.Possibly to impress those who are fencesitters and mistakenly think their questions will be answered intelligently on this web site. NOT!!They want proof these things exist…..but cant prove they dont.Chances are they are willing to believe there is a GOD (no proof) and that the Bible was transcribe as being the word of GOD ( no proof)…..and are probably still telling all those 3rd Graders that there is a Santa Clause & an Easter bunny ( no proof),or heres a good one,that the world is round!!!!!They insist that the HISTORY CHANNEL, DISCOVERY CHANNEL,DAVID SUZIKI,and thousands of other scientists, physicist,Nobel Prize winners, NASA, are all making this up,that we are all fearmongers.SOOO……Who is DELUSIONAL this entire site and all those on it.See you in Heaven, OOPS (no proof) more than likely in Hell, OOPS (no proof) JUST CURIOUS… many books have YOU sold… MG Harris
So, let me get this straight. You're comparing 2012-belief to belief in God, Heaven, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and a round Earth? (Actually, the world isn't "round"; it's an oblate spheroid, and there's "proof" of this, but whatever.) At least in terms of Santa Claus and the EB, those are pretty good analogies, or would be if those two guys were presented as vicious predators who will come in at night, steal all your crap and burn your house down with you still in it. Tell your kids that one and see if it isn't child abuse. The best correlation, however, is the fact that they aren't real.
DAVID SUZIKI,and thousands of other scientists, physicist,Nobel Prize winners, NASA, are all making this up
David Suzuki is a zoologist and climate change activist; I don't think he supports woo-woo claims about 2012. If he does, he's wrong. There are not "thousands of other scientists" who support woo claims about 2012. Nobel Prize winners — who exactly? Name names and give sources. Also, NASA says the opposite of what you are attributing to them.
You are one sick individual….Your crass, immature insults, pretty well show, what most of the idiots on this website have for comments.see u LOSER
I see and "see u LOSER" is mature. Cosmos, Cosmos…..
Well, maybe you should reexamine the post above and point out exactly where these "crass, immature insults" occurred.
- The Santa Claus & EB analogy was your idea, and I rather successfully turned it against you.
- David Suzuki is a zoologist and climate change activist, not a 2012 woo-woo.
- There are not "thousands of other scientists" who support woo claims about 2012.
- You offered no names of scientists or Nobel Prize winners who support woo claims about 2012.
- NASA does not support the woo claims you vaguely attribute to them. In fact, NASA says the opposite.
In addition to all that, your most recent posts suggest a marked inability to differentiate scientific inquiry from religious belief.
No insults, Pandora/Cosmos, just counters to which you have no rational means of responding.