Yes and no. The plant is fine, because super volcano eruptions are "common" in earth history. They are a part of nature.
However, us humans will have trouble when a super volcano like Yellowstone erupts. It will create lots of volcanic ash that will flow into the atmosphere. The ash is toxic to inhale, but the particles in the ash also blocks out sun light, which creates the "volcanic winter." Such winter may last for decades where global temperature may drop by 10 - 15 degrees. Many of vegetation will die, thus creating a lack of food globally.
Sounds scary right?
Don't pay attention to people who claim the eruption is overdue. There have been 3 known eruptions at Yellowstone, and the last one happened 600,000 years ago. First of all, there is no point of calculating an average with just three intervals. Secondly, if you insist, we do take the three intervals and divide to get the average, it won't be due for another 40,000(now I don't remember the exact number) years!