Hi Terrified,
That old horse has been beaten to death. The doomsayers have been circulating that BS for years and it is still BS. Did you notice that they didn't say who any of these "experts" are? That is because no real experts are saying any such thing. As several of the others have said, these "points" have been debunked here on the site, however I'll say it again.
1. Mayan Calendar: The Mayan calendar doesn't end, it just moves to a new cycle. The calendar is just a count of days, not an instrument of prophecy. It predicts nothing and the Maya made no prediction.
2. Sun storms: the Sun has been going through its sunspot cycles for billions of years. It is nothing new or dangerous to life. Solar flares can affect satellites and electric grids. The next solar max is now expected to occur in mid 2013 and to be less energetic than average. Unless you can't live without your cell phone for a while, you have nothing to worry about.
3. The Atom Smasher: We have had particle colliders for many years. The large Hadron collider is merely the largest and newest of them. They are concentrating on trying to confirm the existence of the Higgs boson, not creating black holes. It is no danger to us.
4. The Bible says it: No it doesn't. The Bible never mentions 2012. The I-ching is simply a fortune telling device. As you should already know, this is no more effective than tossing chicken bones or reading tea leaves. It predicts nothing.
5. Super volcano: People claiming that Yellowstone is overdue for another caldera-forming eruption don't know what they are talking about. We have only 2 widely separated time intervals between past eruptions. A meaningful average cannot be calculated from 2 widely separated values. The USGS says that we are about 90,000 years away from even saying that it may be due, much less overdue. They don't expect a "super eruption" for a few millennia at least.
6. The physicists: Another big lie. No physicists at Berkely or anywhere else are predicting anything unusual. In order to "crunch numbers", you have to have some numbers to crunch. They have to come from somewhere. Just making a statement that someone is crunching the numbers and predicting catastrophe is completely meaningless.
7. Magnetic field: the times between past geomagnetic reversals have been up to may millions of years. They also take thousands of years to complete. They happen so slowly that it wouldn't even be noticeable to us. Even if one could begin by 2012 (which it couldn't because our magnetic field strength is far too high) it wouldn't be completed for thousands of years and wouldn't affect us other than our compasses would point in the opposite direction.
You really should go to the pages on each of these subjects and read about them. I hope this helps you.