I just kind of stumbled upon this horrific site when I was looking for info on Mardyk (since I happened to read a fantastic conversation between you guys and him). Anyhow, this site actually features him as some kind of posterboy claiming that he dechiffred the great american seal (and manages to link it to 2012 nevertheless). At first I found it amusing, but the amusement soon turned in to something else. I started looking in the forum, and found something that was quite disturbing, to be honest. Apparently people in a much broader sense than I first thought are preparing for some real chaos. Or what do you say about this: http://december212012.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=580&sid=adecf59d4f922e7cd23985d900251204?
I knew people were frightened by this, but I didn't think that people acctually spent their last cents on building bunkers(?!) and so on. Anyway, what I really was thinking about was; what's up with this piece of ? I mean, what does he claim will happen on december 21? I saw something about aliens regaining control over earth etc etc, but that can't be what he really believes, right? Does he think that we will all die or what is his agenda? Finally, is it anyone that actually manages to make some sense out of his dechiffering of the great american seal? Sorry for all the questions, but I really find this man "intrigueing"=)
Facts are stubborn things.
- Ronald Reagan