Right now should be the happies time of my life. however, I feel like the worst person….If the world is going to end in 2012, my child isn't going to lead a full life. I keep imagning in my head the famous photo from when Mt. Vesuvious erupted of the family all huddled together when the lava came down and killed them. I can hear my child screaming "Mommy!!" Please guys, HELP ME!!!!!
If you have read through this website, then you would see all the claims made by the 2012 proponents lack scientific evidence and proof. Unless you tell which topic specifically is bothering you, there is not much we can say.
I too was scared of the 2012 "doomsday," and was searching the internet day and night to look for stuff. But really, if you are looking for some sort of scare, chances are, you are going to find it(since you are looking for it).
Here are the two claims that gave me quite a scare:
1. Many youtube videos have sightings of the "second sun," and Niburu/Planet X.
2. The claimed increase in earthquakes. (This is the worst one for me, since I live in an earthquake prone region which supposed to have a magnitude 9 earthquake every 500 years! Right now it's 310 and counting.)
So I took the topics and discussed them here.
Then I found out that people who made the videos of Niburu sightings are totally wrong. Either they didn't know anything about astronomy, or they just simply lied to make other people scared..
As for earthquakes, I learned that there hasn't been any signs of anything out of the ordinary! It's just part of a natural cycle.
Because lots of people are scared of the 2012 doomsday, they start to relate everything to possibly signs of the coming doomsday.
My advise for you is to stop worrying about this stuff, and be happy like you are supposed to. I heard the mood of a mother can greatly affect the child that's in your tummy!
Don't worry about 2012. It's a hoax. The proponents have utterly failed to provide a single shred of evidence to support their ideas.
We have a full menu of stuff over there:
<— — —
Browse through it, and let us know if there's some claim that we missed.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Hi Worried,
Please don't worry about the foolish bogus claims of a bunch of screwballs. Some of these doomsayers may actually believe what they are saying, but most of them are doing it to sell you doomsday books and other useless rubbish. Read through our explanations of why their claims are baseless and scientifically impossible, then ask us about any of them that still have you concerned.
If you don't walk in front of a bus while concentrating on stupid doomsday claims, your chances of seeing your baby grow up are very good. There is certainly nothing unusual about 2012. Relax and enjoy this wonderful time in your life.
wOrRiEd, there is no reason for you to be worried in any way. In 2012, it will be the same kind of year as this year, the same risks as always, just like 2013 after it. You are pregnant, congratulations! You have the most beautifull job in the world, you're going to be a mother. This is one of the times in your life, where you should be positive and most certainly not let this 2012 idiocy…. erm ….hype, get to you.
As all the other posters have said, the entire thing about 2012 has no leg to stand on, it's about as usefull as a one legged man in a butt kicking contest. The best way of alleviating your fears are to read through this site, read the comments made by your fellow posters and try to realize, that is all just a big fat hoax, by greedy people that use your fear, to make money.
Your child will lead a full life, probably end up a doctor or engineer, have children himself and grandchildren. If he's lucky he'll drive around in a flying car or an electrical one, maybe a car using sunlight, who will tell, it's the future all that.
Thanks for the congratulations. I really want to believe you guys. You all seem so intelligent and that you know what you are talking about. One of the main things me and some friends that discussed 2012 talked about was NASA's involvement. I feel like if they knew something such as an asteroid impact or pole shift…not Nibiru, I understand that is an average joe found it, they would put it in ever magazine and news channel around the world for publicity..they wouldn't tell the public for fear of chaos and riots. i know this is kinda a "Darn if you do, darn if you don't" scenario. But, the side of me that thinks 2012 is a bunch of hoorse pukey, knows they there are elections that year and various NASA expeditions years after 2012……I'm just worried and confused.
Hi Worried,
Apparently you missed the part about "scientifically impossible" in my previous post. We aren't involved with NASA or any government, but some of us are scientists and we consult with other scientists as needed. Read the pages on asteroids and pole shifts. There is a list on the left side of the page where you can click to go to the page on the subject you want to read about.
There is no known asteroid that is going to come near Earth in 2012. The closest is going to pass about 4 million miles away. A rotational pole reversal can never happen. Magnetic pole reversals take thousands of years to complete and we are unaffected by them.
If NASA were trying to hide something from us, publishing it in all the magazines and newspapers would not be the optimum method. Also, there are many thousands of astronomers, both professional and amateur (that just means one who doesn't do it for money, not one who is uneducated as an astronomer) all around the world watching the skies. NASA couldn't hide it if they wanted to, and they don't want to. Here is an example proving that. When the asteroid Apophis was first discovered in about 2003, they thought that it had a good chance of impact in 2029. They issued an impact alert for 2029 at that time. Further observations showed that it will safely pass us by, so they canceled the alert. That is pretty good evidence that they weren't trying to hide it.
Ohh, I remember seeing hearing about that Apophis! Hahaha it was so funny when Dr. Neil Tyson talked about it!
"what if you accidentaly drag it in to the key whole?"
"Then it would be bad… You would be very unpopular"
Here is the link:
Two part video, enjoy!
Well my point is that NASA wouldn't hide anything as important as this from us, they can't even if they wanted to!
And as you can see, if they do find anything, they don't just "sit around" and let it happen.
Important to remember is that the scientific method itself - the very thing that we use to test hypothesis, to find evidence for and against something, to learn and discover about the world and universe around us - is not controlled by organizations or governments; it is a technique, a way of doing things.
Anything scientific that you claim must be able to be tested by somebody else using the scientific method, who must then in turn come to the same conclusion - if, for example, you claim that square wheels roll better than round wheels, but nobody else can reproduce the results that you've come to, or indeed they all state that round wheels in fact roll better, then your original claim of square wheels rolling better simply doesn't stand up to known and testable science.
With regards to 2012, all the claims that have been put forward have similarly not stood up against the science. Look at all those claims on the left there, all of them have investigated with the scientific method and proven to be wrong. And it's not 2012 claims vs NASA remember, it's anybody who uses the scientific method. That includes you and I, it includes young and old, it includes everybody capable of just asking questions, experimenting and investigating.
NASA have a teeny tiny budget, but what they manage to do with it is incredible, and they and many other agencies, many other individuals, historians, scholars, amateur enthusiasts, from all over the world, know much more about their respective fields of expertise than the 2012 proponents themselves. All because of wanting to learn and discover through the scientific method.