Does it clue you in at all that the only actual referents in reality for this crap are works of fiction?
ok, that's just a bizarre article. I can heartily recommend a 'skip this' to anyone reading this thread.
Whatever else "Nibiru" is, it was in fact mentioned in the ancient Sumerian texts (although as 'neeberu', according to Heiser, which kind of blows your linguistic analysis there). So, unless you are indulging yourself in an unevidenced claim that the Sumerians were mining rare-earth elements and constructing space-time warping machines, the coincidental element ids is just that, a coincidence.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Sounds like a load of Gallium, Rubidium, Silver, Germanium to me, fit only to be flushed down the Tungsten Carbide.
So? We could also say it stands for Nuts Invariably Buy Into RUbbish. That has more significance than picking elements to construct a connection with (what exactly?).
Or we could say that the doomsayers are
This actually made my day=) But you have to credit him for admitting Nibiru is a hoax, even if he actually manages to sound even more insane than the average Nibiruian on a bad day.
Facts are stubborn things.
- Ronald Reagan
How about nickel, bismuth, ruthenium? Did the Babylonians know about the Latin and Greek names we would give elements discovered more than 2300 years after their civilisation peaked. Did they know these when they named the domain of Marduk? Wow, another prophecy come true.
What are you going on about? I can't tell if you're screaming conspiracy or firing off sarcasm.
Nice little straw-man you got there Ken. But I think everyone agree that what you present is nothing more than pure Carbon Radium Phosphorus. See how easy that was?=)
Facts are stubborn things.
- Ronald Reagan
um… I think Ken was being sarcastic, and poking fun at the OP.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
…Seriously? Stargate Universe? The Matrix?
Probably the only semi-realistic one up there is 2001 A Space Odyssey and even that one is highly questionable.
Excuse me while I go laugh, hysterically, like a hysterical hyena.
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