As many of you know, I am an amateur astronomer. When I get the chance to observe, I prefer to do it at Fremont Peak Observatory near San Juan Bautista, California. Every year FPOA has a 'StarBQue', combining a barbecue, kids' crafts and entertainment, an auction of various astronomy items, and a raffle, where one or two grand prizes (usually telescope equipment) is given away.
The evening is capped off by some presentations of awards, and then a presentation by a guest speaker. In the past we have learned about black holes, tracking near earth objects, and various other topics in astronomy.
This year we are going to take a step back in time, and learn about the astronomy of the ancient Maya.
Dr. Van Stone will be talking about the Maya, their astronomy and mathematics, and how their beliefs are being misused, and how modern "new age" beliefs are being projected upon them, with regard to the "end-date" of 2012.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind