Hey guys. I love this site; it helped me a lot. My friend showed it to me knowing I was probably a nervous reck. (At least I was at first until I viewed this site). Everything on your site is logical. Heh. I guess they're people out there with common sense.
Thats why I've come to you about a certain issue I've encountered through another friend. Sighhh. (Here we go). Nonetheless, its entirely different. It isn't on your guy's site. Shocker, knowing that theres already so many "end of the world" hoaxes on your site that has been debunked. (Thanks again for putting so much of your time into this site).
This has had me worrying. And although with all the misinformation on the net I'm not sure it's entirely true. (Get ready. This might be silly). There is apperently a Russian baby born with markings from the Islam bible. These markings fade every week or so. I'm sure you can read about it easily; but wouldn't it be more convenient if I told you? Haha. (Duh). Anyways, the mother claims that the scriptures fade and get replaced on certain days of the week. I believe to remember them to be on Monday and in between the night of Thursday and Friday. The markings give him high fevers and he cries when the markings are being replaced, I guess. The parents claimed to have not been religinous until the baby was born. Just weeks after birth the markings started to appear as well. I've heard from their bible that when this happens its actually a sign of the end of the world, when a baby is born with scripture and such 'n such.
And quite honestly, with all my selfishness, I don't want to leave this world. I love Earth. And I want better for it. I don't want it to end. I don't want mankind to end. I have many things ahead me, I believe. I want to be able to see my parents even longer… My friends. Not to have an expired date tagged onto me. No, I don't want to dig my grave yet. I'm only 14 years of age, going onto high school this year. I want to change this Earth for the better by me being here and doing things to help people.
But, I'm getting off topic…
These are things I've heard over the internet while do some research on the matter myself.
The first thing, its all for publicity.
In my opinion, the family is poor. (As stated and shown in most videos and artitcles). Maybe they want better for the child. Maybe publicity would help that. Maybe they even want better outlook on their country. (Meaning a better outlook how other people view it). Being the state they're in; war. They want hope to spread through the country. That times would get better, as they described it, that the "miracle" baby was sent from the heavens to help them through this tough time.
Second thing is, that the baby has a skin diease.
I've believe to have read that doctors have dianosed this infant with some sort of skin diease as read in a artitcle. But it was not told what it was. (Please don't use me as a reliable source. I'm not entirely sure. Just stating mostly opinions here).
Skeptics believed that the baby has Dermatographic Urticaria, also known as skin writing. Some cases are different from others of course. It may stay for about a week or less or maybe longer and fade away. You write on the skin with something dull or even your finger and without a doubt it appears. In some cases it appears to be red, raised and even itchy. Its even painful. Someone I've read in their ranting that this whole thing is a hoax is that it can even cause fevers.
People are against this, of course. Stating that, "Why would the parents do this to their child?!" etc, etc… Well. View above and maybe these people may understand where this skeptic is coming from? Yes? No?
There was even people saying that Henna was being used. (Not quite sure how that stuff works). But its like painted tattoos, how I'd describe it at least, that depending on your skin, where on the skin, and how it is treated it will stay on. (Skin color changes color of the Henna).
Of course there was more ridiculious claims such as brusing and pinching the skin like that. Crazy people…
However, In recent studies I've heard that the mother would not give her baby up to be tested for this skin diease. Then again, why would the mother want to give her baby up to a person who she doesn't know for a certain amount of time with lots of needles? (Motherly protection).
I've also read about the fact that tests don't last very long? Errr, yeah. Maybe like a 1 hour and 30 minutes maybe.
Its not like the doctor wants to hurt him. Seems kinda… I don't know. Like shes hiding something. Hint, hint?
Then again! I'm not sure what I've read would be too reliable. Thats why I need help.
But what if it is all real? Wouldn't I know enough already to understand that it isn't? Maybe I'm overthinking things and should just let the "end of the world" happen. Just be done with it and enjoy life while I can. It won't be satisfying though…
Gosh, I just need a second opinion. Please help.
Video of the Russian baby.
Another site to your viewing.
There was others I looked on, but yeah. I didn't save them all… They basically said the same thing too.
Google is always a first choice of info?
I've never imagined I'd write this much… This was a mouth full to read.
Errr. Sorry?