Hello Eleni, and welcome,
I've never been to the Philippines, but I have a fondness for your country because when I was growing up in rural Wisconsin (about 40 years ago), we had a wonderful Filipino doctor and a neat Filipino music teacher.
Katias seems to be completely sincere in her beliefs, and in her wish to console others about the eventual outcome. I share her concern about the possibility of war over the Spratly Islands. I could add the situation in the Middle East, plus many others. Frankly, I see nothing comforting in the hollow assurances I hear about how all of this will work out.
But at the same time, I'm not frightened by the prophecies Katias was concerned enough to pass on to everyone. I've been through those before. For example, where I live in Chiapas, Mexico, someone prophesied that because God was angry at the immorality here, He would rupture all of Chiapas' hydroelectric dams, thereby destroying the state. The prophetess herself appeared on radio and (I believe) television. According to reliable friends, she seemed fully rational and credible. Evangelicals here worked hard, for several months, to spread the word by radio and in leaflets given to passersby in the street.
That was six years ago. Nothing happened. To the best of my knowledge, neither the prophetess nor the pastors who'd spread her warning ever admitted they'd been wrong.
I hope that example helps. There are many serious problems in the world, and I don't dismiss fears of a calamity because of war, or because humanity foolishly squanders its time, talent, and treasure on rubbish instead of preparing rationally for predictable natural disasters. (The 2004 Tsunami was a prime example.) But what does any of that have to do with 2012?
Regarding Nostradamus, the Maya, etc., the articles to the left on this web page give better answers than I can. I hope you'll consult them. One thing I've learned from following the 2012 phenomenon is that intelligent people of good faith and intent allow their justifiable fears of real dangers (and awareness of human folly and evil) to lead them into crippling neuroses over what might happen in 2012.