Yah so I turn on the tv to the history channel, and behold, the stupid people are talking about 2012, and how the mayans and hippies have predicted doomsday, and all these scientists going on saying "We are in serious trouble". Sorry, but those people can go themselves. All they are doing is making young and old people commit suicide, spend money and waste time buying 2012 books, going on youtube and yahoo for answers, even going to the streets and trying to pressure people more about this. Don't you think that doomsday started when this RUMOR started? I mean i wonder how many people lost their lives beliving this hoax, and how many people are going to commit suicide on 2012.
I'm 14 years old and I was seriously buying all that 2012 history channel crap, thank god I found this site. You guys need to spread this site as much as you can, because this site is going to save lives.
Hi Sam,
My own 2012 horror story occurred this February in a Hands-On Science Center in a town in the US that shall remain nameless. I explained that I wanted to buy a gyroscope to demonstrate precession, for a presentation I'd be doing on 2012. The person in charge told me all about the great show she'd seen on History Channel, about the Maya and an island in the Pacific where they'd built some place to observe some astronomical something-or-other in 2012. I couldn't make a dent in her belief that it was all true. (Who's going to take the word of a guy who walks in to buy a toy gyroscope, over the History Channel's?)
I hadn't watched History Channel for two years (I don't have a TV in Mexico), so I didn't know what program she was talking about. Of course, it was Apocalypse Island. So it seems that History Channel is even corrupting Science Centers whose mission is outreach to children.
In a way, I don't blame that staffer for being fooled, since the stuff about the Galactic Alignment had fooled me, too. I figured that it must be true because if it weren't, it would be too easy to debunk. Then, one night last October, I started fooling around with the free astronomy program that came with my telescope 8 years ago. When I couldn't get the "alignment" that the 2012 proponents claimed for 21 December 2012, I figured I must have done something wrong. I went looking on line to find out where my mistake was. That's how I found out that the 2012 folks were out to lunch.
In the month since I wrote the above post, a lot of distraught people have come to this website, in part because of History Channel. I decided to contact the Hands-On Science Center about the incident. I emailed them the text of the above post, with the following note:
Several months ago at your Center, I had the experience [described in the post]. I've become involved in the forums of the website 2012Hoax.org, and realize how the hype over 2012 is threatening peoples' lives. I hope your staff won't repeat the History Channel's irresponsible drivel in the future.
Hi Sam,
Sorry I didn't see your post before. Thanks for your kind words. That was our purpose in creating this site, to help those who are being taken in by all the doomsday tripe and hopefully to save lives. Please pass on the word about the site to others. You will be helping in our efforts.
Are they actually scientists that are talking on the History channel programs? Has anyone met any actual scientists that believe this stuff?
No, they are mostly authors. On the rare occasion where they have an actual scientist, they are saying things like, "IF xxx were to happen." They aren't saying anything is going to happen at any particular time. I know of no real scientist who believes any of the 2012 nonsense.
Yeah, I believe that the credibility of the History Channel has gone out the window. And it's not associated with the shows they air about 2012, I've seen other 'documentaries' where they have completely blown ideas and angles out of the water. The show that they aired on the Freemasons is just one example..I know that this is totally unrelated to 2012, but I think it just goes to show that they have gone above and beyond to taking shreds of truth just to manipulate and twist it into something unreal!
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
The production company that makes the 'mocumentaries' on 2012 will tell you that they are 'entertainment' and not intended to be documentaries.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
no kidding….?? I did not know that. So, they just lead you to believe that they are documentaries..? You think they do that for all of their shows?
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
Life After People is probably the most educational 'mocumentary' or, entertainment, that you will find on the History Channel. It doesn't dabble in how we disappear or, prophecies, it simply tells the story of what happens to things after we're gone.
For some it may be like the 2012 shows, a bit hard to swallow, but it's much more informational than anything else on that channel, anymore.
But yes, they post the entertainment as if it were a documentary and then they just let people draw their conclusions from there.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
Guess it's just another marketing ploy used..and if it scares the sh*t out of people, they so be it..laughs on us, right..?
Yeah, I think I have seen that "Life After People" show..I was also pretty tuned into "America The Story of Us." What I am wondering is, how can they present such shows that are supposed to be historical (since they are the History channel, for pete's sake) but then present such shows as "Nostradamus Effect," "Armageddon" and "The Bible Code: Predicting Armageddon" that speculate and give misleading information. Don't they care that their ratings are bound to fall (since so many people are genuinely terrified about the end of the world) and their 'entertaining' shows are feeding into peoples fears. I just don't get it!
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
Certain shows, Life After People, for example, I really don't mind. As for how they're able to air such shows that are about the future after us, it's a simple loop-hole. After we're gone, the Earth will go back to the way it once was, despite our concrete and steel, it will eventually grow and strive once more. They link this to the Earth's history, thus the loop-hole.
Shows such as the Nostradamus Effect, The Bible Code, etc. are simply bogus theories and entertainment that's passed off as documentaries with credibility, when in fact these shows have little, to no credibility at all.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
Yep. If you watch carefully, they do not claim that those shows are documentaries (although the wikipedia page on some of the series does in fact claim that it is a documentary).
I have a reference to it somewhere, with Matt Hickey proclaiming that the 'History Channel audience is smart enough to realize that this is just entertainment' or words to that effect.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Just seen a programme called 2012 doomsday advertised for history channel, is this what people are talking about?
Anybody seen it?
That's one of them
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Yep, I saw the advertisement for that show..not even the slightest bit interested in watching it. I also saw a number of programs..on today actually on the National Geographic channel..called Aftermath. I didn't watch any of them just because I'm comfortable with where I'm at with my fears on all of this, but they all seemed to indirectly associate with a 2012 like/doomsday scenario. Each show focused on a different topic:
'World without Oil'
'Swallowed by the Sun'
'Earth Stops'
'Population Zero'
I don't think these particular shows are aimed to scare people like the over-hyped shows on the History Channel are, but I think to those people who are still unsure in his or her beliefs on 2012, they're probably not the best shows to tune in to. There's even one on now (I don't believe it's part of the Aftermath series) called "Earth Without the Moon." It seems as though these multimedia shows with doomsday scenarios are spreading like wildfires!!
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
Yes, it seems they have found that they attract more viewers with sensationalistic BS than with history or nature programs.
And I just don't get how!!! I mean, people who don't believe in any sort of 2012 phenomenon will watch it and gain nothing from it, but for those who are either scared to death of it or are unsure of what to think/believe, all they do is instill more fear and uncertainty. I just don't understand how these channels keep their ratings when they show programs like this!
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
Well, let's try to think like someone who runs and/or owns a specific channel..
There are people, like me, who like things that are about disaster, whether it's based on fiction or, based on facts. There there people, like doomsayers, who take advantage of the scenario's portrayed in the TV shows and use said scenario's in their own scenario concerning their own doomsday "prophecy", in this case, 2012. Then there are people who are effected by the doomsayers, firstly, and most likely, it will be the kids who become aware and afraid of what they're saying about a specific year, then they see the TV show and this only makes it worse. A time bomb, if you will.
Certain shows may have been made, but had nothing to do with 2012, whereas someone, somewhere thought that 2012 would be a good scenario, just as someone thought one of the disaster theories would be a good scenario and they jumped on it.
Overall, it's about ratings. They jumped on 2012 before they stopped to think about whether or not these scenarios would effect anyone in a negative way.
Now due to the incompetence of the doomsayers and the TV broadcasters, we now, have the perfect virus, called fear.
One seed of doubt, is all that it takes. The same is true for fear.
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Good point!! And even though I am not a child, I totally fit into your description..
Then there are people who are effected by the doomsayers, firstly, and most likely, it will be the kids who become aware and afraid of what they're saying about a specific year, then they see the TV show and this only makes it worse. A time bomb.
That's me..or was me!! Guess they (the channel owners) can't appease everyone, fear or no fear!!
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
You can bend over backwards for every single person that you meet in your lifetime, but you will always disappoint at least one of them.
I can understand the battle for TV ratings and I'm assuming that when The History Channel, Discovery, etc. began these type of TV shows about disasters, it was purely entertainment and there were no problems, until, of course, what little rumors there were at the time of 2012 spread like a wildfire.
When it first began to spread, it didn't have much of an impact and I think that it's because of this that these TV broadcasters jumped on the opportunity, more hype, more ratings, however what they didn't foresee is that their "entertainment" would be taken as actual documentaries on what will happen in 2012 and this fueled the start of everyone's fear surrounding 2012, there may have been some who were worried to begin with, but the TV broadcasts were the final nail in the coffin, so to speak.
While I can't blame them for engaging in the "ratings war", I can hold them accountable for continuing to air such bile even after they've learned of the effect that it's having on some of their viewers.
Shows such as "Life After People" are a good example of the disaster scenario's that had nothing to do with the 2012 stories and in fact, Life After People is actually quite informative where-as these others shows, are not. They're simply out for ratings at any, and all cost.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
Right!! The first show that I watched (I think it was one of the Nostradamus Affects) didn't have too much of an impact on my beliefs..because in 2007, when I first heard of the Mayan calendar/end of the world thing, I was a non-believer..believe it or not!! I thought it was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard..especially considering that I had a family member who was convinced that 1996 or 1997 was going to be the end of the world (and I was only in elementary school when she started saying that). And that never happened..and I couldn't even tell you why she believed that, was that because of Hale-Bopp?
But the more 'documentaries' I watched, the more I was convinced that 2012 was truly going to be the end. Especially since all these shows were airing! These stations were one part of the reason that I went from skepticism and knowing 2012 was absolutely ridiculous..to being scared out of my mind :(
Glad I know better now, lol!!
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
I'm glad you put "documentaries" in quotes… because the shows airing on the History Channel are not documentaries. They are 'entertainment', so says the production company.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Apocalypse Island is showing for 2 hours tonight(@ 10 pm EST) in case anybody that hasn't already seen it, would like to tune in. Also, can someone explain to me about the world going to end at 11:12 GMT? I mean there isn't 1 time for every country is there? I mean right now, it's already tomorrow somewhere else.
Well, the whole thing started out as "on the winter solstice, the sun will rise within the dark rift"… which somehow became "at the moment of the winter solstice" (which is a single moment in time, regardless of where you are).
11:12 GMT (or UT) is the moment of the winter solstice for the northern hemisphere. At that point the axis of the earth is angled directly away from the sun (again, in the northern hemisphere).
What does this mean? It means that the days will begin to get longer after that moment in time, and that the weather will gradually warm up.
Some new-age types used to make a big deal about the solstice occurring at 11:11 UT, but bikenbeer2000 pointed out to the folks at the USNO that the solstice calculation had shifted, and was now actually closer to 11:12 than 11:11.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
It's been a long day and I'm still a little confused Astro. Sorry
And that allignment is nothing to worry about as it's the same one that generally happens every year. Laura i understand your fear of 2012 but there's nothing to fear but fear itself don't give in to your fear and don't let it beat you down.
Am i right in what i said or am i wrong.
So, UT only applies to the Nothern Hemisphere??? I'm really sorry, this stuff just confusesme to no end. I still have no idea about it.
No Problem, Laura.
First, the solstice: The solstices and equinoxes are technically single moments in time, worldwide. The earth's spin defines an axis. The axis of the earth's spin is angled a bit from the plane of the orbit around the sun.
If you think of the earth as a top that is spinning on a tabletop, it is moving around a tennis ball that is sitting on the table where the 'sun' is. The top is not standing up straight, it is tilted over by 23 1/2 degrees.
So the earth moves around the sun at a bit less than 1 degree per day. The axis stays pointed in the same direction (more or less) throughout the year. This is what gives us our seasons. Summer is when the tilt of the axis is pointed toward the sun, and winter is when it is pointed away.
With me so far?
So, as the earth swings around the sun, there will be a moment in time when the axis of the earth shoots directly over the top of the sun, and on the other side there will be a moment in time when the axis shoots directly away from the sun (and the southern half of the axis shoots directly under the sun).
These are the solstices.
So, regardless of where you are on the earth, that moment in time occurs simultaneously. So on one side it will be close to noon, and on the other side it will be close to midnight, and everything in between, depending on where you are.
Second: The timing of the "2012 doomsday".
It is the assertion of various authors who take the Mayan Calendar, say that it 'ends' in 2012 (which it doesn't) and assert that this is because the Maya designed their calendar to end on a date that corresponds to the day that the solstice sun (the position of the sun on the solstice) is the same as the 'dark rift' of the galaxy. So, the 'solstice sun rises in the dark rift'. The reason why that would change over time is that the axis of our top is veeeerrrrrryyyyy sssssllllllooooowwwwwlllllyyyyy changing over time. It 'wobbles' once, going around in a full circle, every 26,000 years or so.
This (and some other stuff which we will ignore for now) causes an effect called 'precession' where the positions of the background of stars changes slightly… about 1 day every 76 years, if I recall correctly.
So, these authors (Jenkins, Pinchbeck, Arguelles, and others) incorrectly assert that this alignment happens (it doesn't) every 26,000 years, and that it will happen again on December 21st, 2012 (when it was actually closest to this alignment about 12 years ago).
This was taken to a new level of error by other authors, who asserted (again incorrectly) that the solstice occurs precisely on 11:11 AM UT (or GMT if you prefer), which, because of the repeated digits, is somehow magical or special.
So, a series of errors has led to this mistaken belief that the Mayan calendar ends at the moment of the solstice, and that death and destruction will rain down on us,.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Laura: Yeah, uh… yeah. See, what they keep forgetting to mention is that event, that whole 'alignment', happens TWICE A YEAR for EVERY YEAR since… well, forever. Not sure if it's always been around that time (I mean this is millions upon millions of years, things can change a little).
Bet they didn't want you to know that, right?
It's been a long day and I'm still a little confused Astro. Sorry
Laura, basically, doomsayers are taking an inconsequential time and making a big deal out of it, because they don't have any arguments that actually make sense. It's just more of the same silliness. We have a winter solstice every single year, and there's no reason to think the winter solstice in 2012 will be unusual in any way.
Try Wikipedia's winter solstice article.
Edit: Actually, Astrogeek's description above is better than the Wikipedia article.
Okay, I got ya now. Thanks a lot Astro!!! I'm just trying to cover every 2012 doomsday scenario so I can understand better why it won't happen.
I was in your shoes Laura!!! Are you starting to feel better about everything?
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
Yes and No. It's almost like being on a rollercoaster. One day I think it's a bunch of crap and go on with my life and then on other days it's all I can think about. I've said before that I have small kids and I'm more scared for them, than I am for myself. I just want it all to be untrue, so I can see my girls get married and live full, happy lives.
I know the feeling, I'm 8 months pregnant with my second daughter and I had the same fear!! Three years ago, I was in total disbelief of 2012 and thought the whole idea was ludicrous..I watched a show here and there about 2012 (on the History Channel, of course), then read some stuff on the internet, then got pregnant and that's when my fear turned into sheer panic and anxiety and I was totally convinced the world was going to end 12/21/2012..I felt like, why even bother continue living life only to have it ripped from us in 2 1/2 years.
I've read every red line listed in the box on the left and most of the threads under the debates and comments sections and I feel much more at ease now. I don't remember exactly when I first started reading on this site, but it's been several weeks and after several weeks of reading and asking questions, these guys have really helped calm my fears. I hope the same goes for you, I really do!!!
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare