Alright James Paul Wright is a Govermental guy who wrote a book called 2012 unlocked and says the goverment is hiding things from us concerning Dec 21st 2012. Now i knew before that the Mayans didn't have a prediction or anything in their calendaer citing doomsday why would the Mayans know when the world ends. But this gentlemen wrote his book and essentially says that everything be predicted for 2012 are true. And says that if this was a hoax that the goverment is covering up for big things that are going to happen on Dec 21st 2012.
But this gentlemen wrote his book and essentially says that everything be predicted for 2012 are true.
Well, some guy saying that certainly doesn't make it true, especially is he's selling a book about it.
And says that if this was a hoax that the goverment is covering up for big things that are going to happen on Dec 21st 2012.
What things, and how is this author qualified to write about such issues?
Don't you mean James Paul Wagner? As in this guy:
I would dare to say that there is no greater reason to listen to him, than to any other doomsayer (governmental person or not) Just my thoughts on it=)
Facts are stubborn things.
- Ronald Reagan
Yeah that guy who claims that 2012 is a goverment cover up and that's why we haven't heard anything about it. Or possibly the reason why is because it's only 2010 and there's still more than 2 years before the supposed date. Let's mention the fact that The Mayans don't even believe in this supposed doomsday on Dec 21st 2012 not to mention as far as Nibiru goes yeah i'm sure NASA knows about it but i don't think it's ever been seen and if it were coming in 2012 i think soemone would've seen it by now.
Seen this guy before… all of the same claims.
It's No Coincidence That Every Major (And Minor) Religion…
Every Organization With Far-Reaching Roots In History…
Have Seen This Coming
December 21, 2012.
… is completely untrue. No major or minor religion has predicted much of anything for 2012. As explained to me by Mark Van Stone on Saturday, the inscription essentially says that on that date a god (or perhaps 9 gods) will come and have a ceremony at the temple.
What that actually means is that the nobles are supposed to dress up as that god or gods, and perform the ceremony.
Yippee. Lots of dancing around with 'flapstaffs' (a ceremonial staff).
… that's why we haven't heard anything about it
What an odd claim for him to make.
Now i don't remember a lot of the hype about 2000 aside from Y2K but was 2000 claimed to be a goverment cover up too.
So is Wagner's book a scam and part of one of those Clickbank sites.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
I googled James Paul Wagner US Government yesterday and found a bunch of potential names is this like another J Michael Sayer thing where he's probably not real or if he is he doesn't work for the government.
Has anyone seen this book while googling 2012 where the author who's name escapes me says that the End Times and the Final Battle between good and evil have been revealed and the date is the 2012 Pentacost seems to be the same claim that people were making in 2000 that Jesus would come back to earth during that year's Pentecost.

I'm not surprised that doomsayers are recycling old prophecies that failed before.
In fact, the prophecy of Jesus' return and the final battle has been used many times in the past.
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