this is your hoax not mine
Exactly which hoax are we talking about now? You have managed to dig up several during your stay here=)
who said P Plait is the most reliable source? why should I trust him more than E Mitchell?
Okey, lets believe Edgar Mitchell instead. He claims the aliens to be benovolent, does that support your claims of a brutal alien species that does experiments on humans?
you don't believe in my source I don't believe yours. they're way evolved, how do you want to see them?
Fair enough. Just out of curiousity, how many aliens have you met? Or scratch that, I forgot that you know this for a fact since you have seen Youtube videos of them. Good job on digging up the most reliable sources.
without A Jones I will never find the truth about 9/11
Yet again that depends on your definition of truth. Obviously it differs somewhat from the general public. But then again, that must be bacause you are waaay above us when it comes to this stuff, right?
you are the one who mentioned masonic
Yes, so what?
yes youtube shows W Bush interview and youtube show thousands of spacecraft,oh yes they were all fabricated
Nooo, ofcourse they aren't. It's common knowledge that the government lets all their secret show up there. Why? Because they simply can't stop the awesome power of Youtube-teens.
in fact you're wrong, I've done enough research and proof to believe them
Again, that depends solely on your definition of "research" and "proof". What you choose to believe in is your problem, but don't EVER come and claim that what you have presented is proof/evidence.
Spot on. That is exactly what I'm saying. Of course someone named Thomas E Costello existed (there are 1000+ listed in the US). But did anyone of them work on the base described in Dulce books? No, since it never existed.
Regarding the evidence… I think we can drop that issue, since we seem to have a considerably different view on what constitutes as evidence. If I say I want evidence you will just come dragging with yet another handfull of grainy Youtube videos, and to me that doesn't suffice as evidence.
who says B Lazar tells the truth about Alien ? lol
by the way, why P Schneider was killed in a strange circumtances when he disclosed underground bases he was involved?
Who says anyone else does?
Regarding Schneider:
"The contents of his lectures are unverifiable, and remain to be considered claims made by Schneider" and "Phil Schneider's death is considered to be a murder by his ex-wife"
I'll leave it up to you to find the source of that;) Isn't it a little coincidal that he disclosed all his information right after the book of Dulce was published? Doesn't it seem a lot like someone who is just riding on the success of the fictional story that Dulce is? And no, you don't need to answer that either.
Seriously, what do you say about just letting this discussion stop right here? Since we obviously have different views on evidence in general, and Dulce more specific, I don't see how either one of us is going to get something out of this discussion. In general I wouldn't recommend anyone visiting ATS, but since your interrests seem to be more suiting for their forum I'm going to make an exception. Here is a forum that you might get the responses that you are looking for:
Good luck