So, I expected this guy to vanish into thin air, but he actually replied with a set of coordinates:
Yes , Absolutely.
The Cordinates For The Dwarf Star Of Planet Nibiru Are :-
09h 47m 58s , +13° 12′ 31.7″.
Those Are The Cordinates For The Dwarf Star Of Planet Nibiru Which is currently in Our Solar System.
Please , Shut Down Your Website As It's Only Misleading More And More People Mate , Please Understand The Gravity Of This Situation , Please.
Take Care.
This turns out to be a region very close to the current position of Mercury (at least last night), kind of out between Mercury and the Sun, in between Cancer and Leo.
So, tonight I will perform an exercise in futility and put a scope on that spot. Oh, but it gets better. I replied to him thusly:
OK, right away you've got a problem. That location is not "below the equator" as you described. In fact, it is between the Sun and Mercury, and is actually very close to Mercury's current position.
Regardless, I will put a scope on that location tonight just after sunset.
How bright will this object be? How close to the Sun is it? Is it currently superior to Earth, or is it down close to the orbits of Venus or Mercury?
And he replied:
It is Nibirus Dwarf Star And yes Its between The Sun And The First Plane Mercury Obviously , But It Is Not Visible To Earth As Of Yet Until October This Year Probably . But Those Are The Correct Cordinates Of The Object.
And This Object Will Probably Be Very Very Bright Once Visible.
Please Understand The Gravity of This situation and Shut Down Your Website , Please.
So, there's no real point since it is "… It Is Not Visible To Earth As Of Yet Until October This Year Probably."
Regardless, I will go through the exercise, and report the results here. Notice how he skipped over answering the rest of my questions, which are kind of essential if we are to track this 'object'.
My reply to him a few minutes ago was:
So you have sent me the coordinates to an invisible object?
And you want me to shut down my website because there's an invisible object, that you say is there?
Um… No.
How can this be? What would make this object invisible? Why do you think there is an object there? What evidence can you present to show that an object exists at those coordinates?
So, we'll see. I'm not expecting too much, really.