Yeah, they're at record highs for heat this year. Beat their old by about 2 degrees.
I'm a little surprised that a 2 degree jump would cause those wildfires, though. Hm.
I wouldn't be terribly surprised if an enviroMENTAL extremist tossed a match and is now screaming GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!!
2012 or otherwise, if Global Warming is suddenly throwing down the gauntlet and randomly igniting shit on fire, we've got something to worry about. Since this isn't the case, this might end up fueling some 2012 crap going on.
Granted I'm one of those ignorant yahoo's that thinks Global Warming isn't as insane as some people would lead one to believe, however I do do my part to turn off as much electronic stuff as often and as long as possible with out use. Though we could get into a debate about Global Warming, it comes down less to consumer consumption of electricity and more on how this energy is processed and released.
Regardless, anyone linking this to 2012 needs a reality check. If wildfires were a sign of doomsday, we'd be dead a thousand times over due to California going up in flames multiple times a year.