Seems like the floods are getting worse and more frequent. This has me worried.
Why? Frequent flooding isn't exactly news, and if the flooding in Pakistan is what got you worried then I can honestly say that it isn't due to any comming apocalypse. Flooding has always been a problem there, and it has gotten far worse thanks to human interactions. The constant downsizing of the few forrest they had to begin with is going to cause severe flooding in the future, and we see the beginning of that now. I.e. not a sign of the end of days, rather a sign of how our actions actually have consequences.
Facts are stubborn things.
- Ronald Reagan
It's the monsoon season in south central Asia. Floods in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh are not at all unusual at this time of year. They typically get 80% of their annual rainfall in 3 months. And their annual rainfall is a lot. 10 metres or more in some places.
Well that is probably gobal warming causing many floods not 2012!!!
Even though I have done a lot of reading on this website, I haven't run across any related information…has anyone ever asked/questioned the link of our global warming to that of a 2012 doomsday scenario..? Just curious because that thought has crossed my mind once before.
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
Totally understandable..the sinkholes also had me worried. In northern Louisiana near Shreveport, six teenage kids (who also didn't know how to swim) drowned in the Red River because of a large sinkhole. It kinda freaked me out because it happened so close to home. After doing some research and reference checking from this website, I learned that these sorts of things are naturally occurring; I have to agree with Rickard and Moo that the relation of these things in reference to 2012 is simply a matter of trying to associate any negative or speculative happenings with this scenario. I have been addicted to this website and the information that everyone posts more than I was terrified about 2012 (and for a while, it was bad..causing anxiety and everything) and I truly feel much better about my own fears.
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
If it weren't for 2012, you wouldn't even be paying attention to that sort of news. The only reason people believe natural disasters are getting worse and more frequent is due to the awareness factor 2012 provokes.
It's a two-pronged attack here. Viewers are more aware of weather due to the big deal of Haiti (which really was made out to be a bigger deal than it really was. Oh my gosh a big earthquake in a place known for… big earthquakes. =/) and paranoia over finding out signs of 2012 coming true.
The only reason news channels are covering any of that in depth these days is due to the fact they know people will watch it. So… yeah. Self-fulfilling prophecy more than anything.
Viewers are more aware of weather due to the big deal of Haiti (which really was made out to be a bigger deal than it really was. Oh my gosh a big earthquake in a place known for… big earthquakes.=/)
I'm sure the 200000+ people that were killed, and the people close to them, would disagree about that. It was a big deal, especially if you look at how many people lost their life there.
Facts are stubborn things.
- Ronald Reagan
Certainly it was a 'big deal'… it was a horrific tragedy, made much worse than it needed to be by the shoddy construction and lax construction standards in Haiti. I think Moo has a point, however. Some people are now sensitized to any event, and will wind up blaming 2012. Earthquake? 2012. Hurricane? 2012. Dam breaks in China? 2012. Bridge collapse in Michigan? 2012.
In that specific instance, compare the Haiti earthquake (7.0; 230,000 dead) with the Chile earthquake (8.8; 485 dead), or the Loma Prieta earthquake (6.9; 63 dead). There are a lot of factors that go into how many people die during an earthquake, and the Haiti earthquake struck directly in a densely occupied region, whereas the Chilean earthquake was offshore, and the Loma Prieta quake struck in the hills to the south-east of the San Francisco bay area. But even taking those factors into consideration, the Haiti quake killed a disproportionate amount of people.
Writing these things off as 'signs of 2012' does a disservice to the dead and injured.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind