First of all, I would like to say that this site is very good and it helps a lot. Of course, I don't believe that the world is going to end 2012 but I am little bit concerned. In 2010 there were many natural disasters. In some newspapers they wrote that this could lead to the end of the world and that in 2010 were many natural disasters, more than in any other year. Are they exaggerating or not?
Natural disasters have been no more numerous on average this year than in any other year on records, and I'm specifically referring to earthquakes and volcanoes. With the prospect of climate change, we might be seeing more storms.
Any newspaper that said natural disasters in 2010 have been numerous and/or might lead to the end of the world is completely full of crap.
Oh dear..
Whoever said this is, yeah. Juju summed it up nicely.
Any newspaper that said natural disasters in 2010 have been numerous and/or might lead to the end of the world is completely full of crap.
Natural disasters aren't something new to this planet, nor our species. The only thing that makes things seem worse now is that we have news coverage everywhere that just wants a good story and 9 times out of 10, they hype it up and make it seem worse than it is.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
that has been concerning me but with me and having visions of the future i think something was up. i dont think would get that bad. the world wouldnt shift too fast maby slowing but not that fast as what the 2012 movie showed that was too fast. they said solar flares would effect the world hmmm seems like solar flares came here alot and barely a damage. they make it sound like solar flares just repeared. where you think northern lights were for. solar flare. i will pray for you guys too be right on this. this is what i was most concern about as well. but i also have anouther thought that it mite not even happen.
Yes, they are exaggerating.
People, and especially the news media, suffer from a very natural thing called "confirmation bias". We all do it.
We think something is true, we go looking for evidence that confirms that thought, and then we stop when we find it, failing to examine all of the evidence in an objective manner.
You do it, I do it, and scientists work hard to design their studies to avoid it.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind