…the present intensity of insanity in human actions?
I'm referring of course to all the mainstream media's intensifying wall-to-wall fear and misery.
How do you explain all that is going wrong with the world right now (From BP ruining the Gulf of Mexico and perhaps everyone who relies for life on the correct functioning of the Gulf Stream, to Goldman Sachs and their cronies on Capitol Hill stealing everything Americans have worked so hard for, including their liberty)?
How do you explain those psychotics whose stated requirement is an 80% decrease in human population and hence TOTAL control of our world, by any means possible (Georgia Guidestones)?
Leaving 2012 entirely aside, how can you possibly expect intelligent children to be shielded from not picking up on these 'in-your-face' daily public pronouncements of doom and destruction? War,Fear,Terrorism,Violence,Guns,Collapse,Drugs,Nookular Doooooom - 'Divide and Rule' all day long on every teevee channel!
On a much more positive note, I hope, how do you explain all the beautiful people in the world spreading love and compassion and doing their utmost to counter the fear being promulgated by the world's 'leaders'? Quite a few of these people insist that matters will improve drastically 'in a very short time now' if only we awake to our true being and quit hiding behind a wall of material possessions and base desires.
Love appears to be winning - so please, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater when 'defusing' all the 2012 fear being generated.
Thanks for reading; I look forward to responses to these vital questions.