It was to the right of the moon at around 8:15 pm. I'm in NC
I'm sorry the descrition is so vague. i have no idea what the corrdinates would be. It seemed bright and kinda "white". I do have a theroetical question, if Nibiru/Plant X existed, and it was close enough to hit us in 2012, what would it look like during the day and at night? I read on another post here that some people in Austria(?) were saying that it is real and it can be seen during the day with the naked eye….
No idea what you're seeing, but let me clarify something. If Nibiru existed and was as close as people claim it was, we'd all be dead.
No, I'm serious. We'd all be dead right this moment. You can do some reading on the forums here, there's a good post about it. In fact…
"The answer is simple to say that Niburu is impossible… We're here, if Niburu was real earth would have an elliptical orbit because of nudges from niburu( if it was real) and with an elliptical orbit our earth would be something (many 2012 believers probably do not Know the definition) " Inhospitable " and No species of life would exist
I have proof of all of this
Also a simulator Change to Sun, Planet, Moon Change the moon's obit so it would be its own planet and the bigger planet to a Niburu-Like orbit and see the elliptical orbit. The pictures of Niburu are fake but some are ( V838 mon, Spots on the camera etc. etc.)"
Hi, Laura.
It was to the right of the moon at around 8:15 pm. I'm in NC
I'm sorry the descrition is so vague. i have no idea what the corrdinates would be. It seemed bright and kinda "white".
A very bright object to the right of the Moon in NC at around 8:15 — that was probably Venus. The objects should have been approximately to either side of directly southwest.
…if Nibiru/Plant X existed, and it was close enough to hit us in 2012, what would it look like during the day and at night?
It would be the brightest object in the sky, except for the Moon and Sun.
I read on another post here that some people in Austria(?) were saying that it is real and it can be seen during the day with the naked eye….
Well, that simply isn't true. For starters, a lot of people claim to have seen Nibiru, and so far they've all either confused regular Solar System objects with something unknown, or they have been caught lying (as is the case with certain YouTube claimants that have been discussed here before). Further, it is not possible for such an object to be visible from only Australia. Might I ask who is making these claims? Someone else mentioned this recently, but he couldn't provide any links. I'll warrant the source isn't exactly reliable.
Also, I go back to gravity, which we have discussed many times. A rogue dwarf star or planet could not fly undetected through our Solar System. The gravitational effects would have been noticed decades ago, if not longer.
Well, Venus can currently be seen during the day with the naked eye… if you know where to look. It's quite an impressive trick to take someone who has never done it, and show them exactly where to look to find Venus. They're completely floored that it is visible during the day. It gets quite a bit easier as the sun gets low in the sky.
Now the problem with speculating on what "Nibiru" would look like is that there are so many contradictory definitions for the thing. Some say it is 4 times the size of earth, and some say that it is bigger than Jupiter (Which would be more than 4 times the size of earth), and some say that it is orbiting a dwarf star, and some say it is a dwarf star, etc., etc.
However, if we consider that this object must be in near free-fall toward the sun, we can calculate it's distance. I'm not going to go through that exercise here, but I have been told that an object falling toward the sun on a 3600 year orbit would be inside Jupiter's orbit by now. As such, it should be highly visible for at least part of the year, but probably not 'daylight visible' at this point (again depending on its characteristics). A highly visible, rapidly moving object would have been spotted by hordes of amateur astronomers, photographed, measured, had its orbit calculated, coordinates posted all over the place, etc.
The fact that the amateur astronomy community (imagine a few hundred thousand scattered around the globe) nearly unanimously rejects the idea of this object should tell you something.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
The planetarium program Starry Night allows user-defined objects to be added. I have added 'Nibiru' as an object in a 3,600 year orbit, reaching its perihelion distance of 1.0 AU on 21st December 2012. At the moment, 'Nibiru' is 9.0 AU from the Sun, placing it just inside the orbit of Saturn. If have defined its size as the same as the Earth and its visual magnitude is now 5.4, thus making it theoretically visible to the naked eye. An object 4 times the size of the Earth would be about 3 magnitudes brighter.
So basically, it just doesn't exist. If it did exist… well yeah, we could see it. And since "Earth Sized Object" is the smallest it's cited as… yeah.
Good to know Nibiru's invisible then I guess. HAH.
Because we all know that planets can change size, shape, appearance and even become invisible!
These doomsayers are idiots. Just felt that I had to say that. I just recently woke up, again, by the way. My hair looks like I have an afro. Which I don't, but since it looks like I do, I'm going to name my current hairstyle "Nibifro". Catchy, right?
Excuse me while I go find my brush, if my puppy (Husky) hasn't eaten it..
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
Excellent, thank you.
Would you mind at some point in all your vast amounts of free time (har har) drawing up a table of distances and magnitudes? Perhaps by year or by quarter?
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Here are the results of my Starry Night simulation of 'Nibiru'. This assumes an orbital period of 3,600 years and I have tweaked the perihelion distance to 0.984 AU (the same as the Earth's distance from the Sun on 21st December 2012) to ensure that it comes pretty close to us. The magnitude assumes an Earth-sized object. Corrections may be made to suit various crackpot predictions, as required. For example, for an object 4 times the diameter of the Earth, subtract 3.0 from the magnitudes. For a Jupiter-sized object, subtract 5.0.
Date | Distance from Sun (AU) | Magnitude |
2010 Jul 01 | 9.36 | 5.5 |
2010 Oct 01 | 8.66 | 5.3 |
2011 Jan 01 | 7.94 | 5.2 |
2011 Apr 01 | 7.20 | 4.8 |
2011 Jul 01 | 6.43 | 3.8 |
2011 Oct 01 | 5.60 | 3.2 |
2012 Jan 01 | 4.72 | 3.1 |
2012 Apr 01 | 3.78 | 2.2 |
2012 Jul 01 | 2.76 | 0.2 |
2012 Oct 01 | 1.65 | -3.8 |
2012 Dec 21 | 0.98 | -17.9 |
That is awesome!!! Thanks!! If you don't mind I'm going to put that on the Nibiru page.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Well, as JuJu said, you were almost certainly noticing Venus, which is currently very bright, in fact I believe that Venus is currently #3 behind the Sun and the Moon.
What you were also seeing, but probably not noticing, were that Saturn and Mars were very close to Venus, just above and to each side.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
If you can't live without your iDevice of choice, be it Phone, Pod or Pad, there's quite a few astronomy and planet finding apps out there, including a freeby that does the job you're looking for called "Planets" - it offers a number of views, shows when and how long a planet is in view, how visible it is and so on.
Unfortunately, as I've just discovered, the app store is also home to Marshall Masters' "Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide", for the cheap cheap price of £5.49 (what, around $10?). Just can't go anywhere without being shown garbage…
Marshall Mastercard Masters give me your money and then i'll tell you how to save yourself from this kind of an event. Umm if the World were to end in 2012 there relaly would be nothing we could do even if we tried. as much as i hate to say it but it's true.