i have been reading for 3 months and this site has helped calm my worries of 2012 and i think its a good thing that some of you add sarcasm to your responses because it really takes the edge off of worrying… some of you with your sarcasm always makes me laugh thegreatjuju, moo, astrogeek, undeadxnurse and some others are all hilarious but they are always strict and to the point and informative so for putting a smile on my face and easing my worries i really thank you all
And just imagine, before I found this site some time back, I was an emotional wreck.
Heck, I was living in free of 2012 for five to six years. How? Silly really. Some girl I knew just started going on and on about it and well, blagh. Eventually you read too much into stuff.
Anyway, yeah. This site was a major help. It helped me get back in-touch with reality, the good and the bad. All of this 2012 Hoax stuff is just that, a big hoax. Fraud. Lies. Deceeeeeeeit.
Nothing to worry about involving all this BS, you know? And, to be truthful, even if there were some sort of great event out to get us… couldn't do anything about it anyway. I learned that during the last year of fear, aka "acceptance".
It's much better to know there's nothing to worry about, haha! So, yeah. I use sarcasm and jokes to help other people now, because I know it helps ease you in quicker.
But, yeah. On a sadder note, it did destroy those five to six years of my life. It really, truly did. That's time I'll never get back, time wasted. This is the sort of thing this crap can do to a person. This is the crap we need to put a stop to. Each and every one of us.
For every person trying to convince people of this crap because of their own misguided views or, in some seriously sick cases, attempts to cause mass panic or make a quick buck… one or more of us need to be there to lay down the smackdown.
Celebrities are tired of it. Scientists are tired of it. We're tired of it. This is far more dangerous than Y2K was, all because of those silly Mayan's who just wanted to put on their calendar their next big party.
The things some sick and twisted people will do. It's a real shame, too. 6,000,000 Mayans living today saying "wtf are you people on :|" are not heard over some stupid movie director promoting 2012 with his stupid movie, attempting to cash in.
Sick. Sick. SICK people. Those are the real dangers of this day and age.
But, let's get back to the happy! Unless the laws of physics, as we understand them, and all the knowledge we have of space, history, and all that good stuff decide to pull a 180' and destroy all logic? None of the stuff you see to your left has even a 0.00000000000000001% chance of happening.
Enjoy live. Don't let the low-lives trying to destroy your life because theirs are worthless get you down.
(PS: A/S/L? :oooo Just kidding~)
Hi Marinda;
Thank you for sharing this story! We appreciate it.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
D'aw. I got a courtesy mention! I feel special.
I, like you, Marinda, am just a guest here, but I do try to help and if my sarcasm is the one thing that does help, then I'm glad that it does. It's good to know that I'm able to make someone crack a smile, while simultaneously calling some 2012 buffoon an idiot.
I'm also glad that you aren't worrying as much, that's a good thing. I can't say that I've ever worried about such things, as the world ending, but I do know what it's like to worry and it isn't very easy to deal with, especially if you're trying to deal with it alone.
That's time I'll never get back, time wasted.
Time is never wasted, even in times such as those, you learn from it. It may have been a difficult time, but overall, you've learned to cope, you've learned the facts and you've learned to help others through the same situation.
That's never a waste.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
That's time I'll never get back, time wasted.
Time is never wasted, even in times such as those, you learn from it. It may have been a difficult time, but overall, you've learned to cope, you've learned the facts and you've learned to help others through the same situation.
That's never a waste.
Well said. In fact, if nothing else, Moo has learned where there is a site that can address people's fears about 2012, and is populated with clever and witty people who never seem to tire of answering questions. In fact, we seem to have recruited him.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Recruited me for the most part. Still can't figure out why I can't log on here, but eh.
I can't say I'm the most informative individual. I can't say I'm the most helpful individual. But, I can say there is one thing I do really well: Read.
I've read everything this site has had to offer, and most of what was on the forums. I'm pretty good at immediately answering questions now. Problem is, I do tend to feel guilty when there's something I can't answer. Generally in turn to religious prophecies and blah blah.
Being an atheist has a disadvantage there =P
So while I wait for you folks to ease the pains of others, I ease it with sarcasm and comedy!
Choo Choo Ka Choo.
Well, I try to tackle most of the ones related to Christianity… since I'm a Christian. Don't let that bother you though… I know that the majority of the founding members are atheist, and that some of the others are … let's see, 1 Buddhist, 1 Pagan, and quite a few "hellifiknow'
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
I got nothin' wrong with religious folk. Just I'm not afraid to state what I don't and do believe in, while also not bashing people for what they do and and don't believe in. You know?
I think religion can be a great thing, but I'm not ignorant to it's flaws. I think fellowship and teaching great things is something we all need.
I also see priests driving in expensive foreign cars.
Well, I really can't say that I've been recruited as Moo has, I think that I'm just similar to an STD, I won't go away. :D
That aside..
There are questions that I can't out-right answer either, Moo, but that's why there are people here who can. I know little about physics, I know close to nothing about astrophysics, except for some of the obvious things and I honestly, know little about chemistry, but I still answer the questions that relate to these things, even when I don't know if I will be able to fulfill the needs of the person who asked. I suppose that you can say that I "dumby" things down and if that's not what they're looking for, someone else here, such as Astro, Hex, Alene or, Juju or many of the others who study in these fields, pick up the question and they answer it in a much more scientific way and in my honest opinion, I think that it's essential, in fact, to have both types of answers.
If there's one thing that I do have knowledge in, it's psychology and living in fear. Sure, it's fear of a different event, but fear itself, never changes. I know exactly what that's like, I know what it's like to worry and that's why I toss in my humor from time to time, even when I know that it may get me in trouble with Astro or, one of the others. My main interest is to make it easier for the person who is seeking help.
So, I, like you, can not break down, in detail, exactly what so and so space.. thing.. is made of, but I can take what general knowledge I do have related to the question and I do my best with it and everyone else hits the more in-depth and scientific answers.
And it's because of this, that there's no reason that you should feel guilty for not being able to answer a certain question. Sometimes you just have to wing it and if there's absolutely no way that you can answer a question, then at least you can say that you took the time to read their question.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
An STD, huh? Well you're an STD I'm happy to have!
Thanks, though, Nurse. That was really good to hear. Still, I also do feel bad about it for the sake of, well, that if I can't answer something, it means I have to consider it further! I may have recovered from my fears and anxiety, but it's going to dwell for a while.
I'd hate to regress again, which is the secondary reason I stick around.
The primary reason? Helping people who use to be like me, and are still like me. I'd hate to fall back into fear, and I'd hate for others to, too.
So… yeah! Rrrragh!
I understand what you're saying. Fear is like the plague, it spreads quick and it hits hard and it's hellaciously difficult to get rid of, it's like trying to shake an angry midget off of your leg while s/he clings to it.
Since I've started coming here, I've taken upon the task of educating myself a bit on some of the things that I didn't fully understand before-hand, such as Solar Flares, I knew what they were, I knew where they came from, but I didn't know what the primary cause of them were, so with a little direction from Astro, I listened to an interview with Ian O'Neil who explains things scientifically, but in a way that anyone can understand and I began learning about the primary cause of the flares.
Perhaps that's something that you could try? It may make you feel better! An effort always makes me feel better! Sometimes!
Except for that time when I made an effort to reach a box of Poptarts, but I couldn't reach it because I was too short. That was a year ago.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
Miranda, that's great to hear, and it's great that you found this site. Most of the credit should go to folks like Astrogeek, bikenbeer, Alene and others who put this thing together and made it accurate and credible. I've only been posting here since April, but I'm glad to throw my two cents in where I can. :)