So i walked in my living room and my stepdad was sleeping but on the TV was the Nostradomis Effect from the History Channel and it mentioned the Webbot which apparently predicted 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina and is linked to Nostradomis does it exist what is it and can you guys debunk it.?
The webbot has been dealt with several times, but the short version of it is that the webbot doesn't in any way have the capability to predict events. I'm not entirely sure now, but I think that the webbot respond to the most frequent topics on the web (and gather them), which is why it "predicts" many scenarios linked to 2012. It simply duplicates information already out there, and judging by the vast amount of woo woo sites out there it really isn't all that strange that the webbot occassionally drags up 2012.
As for 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina… No, neither the webbot (which only is a autonomous program) nor Nostradamus predicted those terrible events. Nostradamus didn't predict anything, he was and remains a fraud that didn't even manage to fool people during his own lifetime, and much less in his afterlife.
The funny thing with all predictions, Nostradamus and all the others, is that they aren't revealed until after the event they predicted has taken place. Why, because they didn't exist until after the event=)
Facts are stubborn things.
- Ronald Reagan
Well, according to the guys who run the thing, it "works" like this:
Everybody is psychic.
Everybody writes using certain types of words.
The looks for dates and then gathers the context (the words around those dates).
The context is sorted and filtered and divided into various types of language usage.
The types of language usage surrounding particular dates shows what the psychic public 'feels' or 'thinks' about that date.
In other words, it's completely bogus BS, and can't predict anything, otherwise the guys who run it wouldn't want to charge you $35 per report!!
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
So the Webbot doesn't exist and it's just more people wanting to make money off of this 2012 hysteria That is just one of things that proves how sick our society is.
Well, how sick some parts of our society are, at least.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Sounds about right Astrogeek. Also you'd think that people that are with the History Channel would have more integrity then to air this 2012 stuff.
History Channel's integrity was sold off in exchange for some Nielsen ratings.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
At least they're trying to balance themselves out…
Please note that our interpretations are provided as entertainment only. We are to be held harmless for universe placing substance behind our words. Or not, as it so chooses.
Ahem. Yeas…
But we can all be webbots - just go and have a look at Google search trends, or twitter trends or whatever, and then use those topics in a wild futuristic hypothesis (if you could call it that).
Brett Favre and Scott Pilgrim to change the 19th amendment. Hey, could happen - remember, entertainment only.
Also apparently Nostradomis somehow predicted or someone predicted the collapse of Wall Street and the US Economy.
Nostradamus also predicted the failure of my first marriage, and the birth of my son, and the fact that I have chronic pain in my neck.
Or not.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Nostradamus also predicted the failure of my first marriage, and the birth of my son, and the fact that I have chronic pain in my neck.
Thank you, Astro. Thank you, for making me spit tea everywhere and squirt tea out of my nose.
Excuse me while I clean off my computer.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
Interesting that 9/11 is claimed as being predicted by the Webbot but looking at link is probably wrong but it says that 9/11 the greatest tragedy in US history and yet no doomsayer ever pinpointed this date.