Saw a thread here, and on, and on physforum and on physicsforum and so forth reg. vacuum bubbles. This have realy gotten to me on a whole new level. I'm realy loosing all hope of getting some sleep thanx to this awful theory. How can CERN be alowd to do this experiments when they could end up killing us all?
I have read all the safety reports (Review of speculative disasterscenario at RHIC and LSAG-reports 03/08) and they are less then reasuring to be honest. They just say that energies higher than that are observed all the time, and that is more or less an outright lie. According to the Rhic-report heavy ion CR are extremely rare and has only been observed at energies below 2tev at com (for iron i think). So how can they claim that they have empirical evidence that these energies (up to 2.8tev this year) are safe when they havent observed collisions, especially not pb-pb, above 2tev?
why does people like this Gorelik guy claim that there are no observations of high energy cr consisting of heavy ions like pb, and that it's only pure spevulation?
Please help me figure this things out, i'm realy realy scared of thiws