eat that history channel u were wrong
I am tired of History channel lies and more they just say lies with that of 2012!! they should demand that program and the president should do something about those lies!! the kid and society are being affected by these!!
Why didnt Turner fly in to the airstrip at Robinson Crusoe Island and charter a boat from there to get to his "monument"? Or just hike from the airstrip to the monument if its on Robinson Crusoe?
The show let on like there are no settlements within 400 miles of this thing, which is an outright lie. I really have to wonder how desperate the History Channel for content to accept this show at face value and not check the facts before airing it.
Why didnt Turner fly in to the airstrip at Robinson Crusoe Island and charter a boat from there to get to his "monument"? Or just hike from the airstrip to the monument if its on Robinson Crusoe?
Very good question.
The best answer I can think of is that doing things the easy way doesn't lend itself to "good television". You can't hype the drama and mystery as much if you take the easy way.
I really have to wonder how desperate the History Channel for content to accept this show at face value and not check the facts before airing it.
"History Channel" and "facts" don't really belong in a sentence together.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
"History Channel" and "facts" don't really belong in a sentence together.
"The facts are clear, the History Channel just doesn't use them."
Check and mate.
One problem that people keep coming back to is that there is popular media that promotes these ideas. Since a lot of people think that the History Channel is accurate and unbiased, what they have must be true. Actually, it is a mixture. Another source are books. If it is published and in books stores, it must be true. Then we have the music industry. I know it is a lot of stuff, but somehow it needs to be refuted some way.
On his website, Jim Turner is still asking for donations for his "research" via PayPal, from $25 to $500. Because of this, we view his Apocalypse Island Project to be fraudulent and we are posting scam warnings wherever we can. Any help you can give in disseminating information about these "monuments" being natural formations would be great. Do note that the archeologists who have studied the island say there is nos sign of human presence before the Spanish discovery in 1574. See our website for links and more information.
At first, after watching this show, I considered it relatively compelling. They did a relatively good job making the show appear exciting. However, while watching it I immediately did get the sense that this was incredibly far-fetched. I thought it was ridiculous how they made volcanic spires where quite frankly you couldn't see any evidence of a "monument" into Mayan symbols. It is ridiculous to assume the Mayans could travel that far by boat. There is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that the Mayan people were adept at traveling across the sea, let alone that far. There are many other blatant inconsistencies that cater to the unquestioning viewer that aren't worth mentioning.
Did it ever occur to you, sir, that the Mayans may have used the airstrip at Robinson Crusoe Island too? HMMMM??? I will bet you did not think about THAT!
Seriously, I wonder why it is that Western society lately has been locked into an apocalyptic mode for some time now? Everyone from the Global Warming scaremongers to the Evangelical Christians to the Libertarians seems to be obsessed with TEOTWAWKI. Any explainations on this phenomenon?
Everyone from the Global Warming scaremongers to the Evangelical Christians to the Libertarians seems to be obsessed with TEOTWAWKI.
Not this libertarian.
I'm not even clear on what your point is. Are you trying to assert that there has been a point in human history when various groups were not "obsessed with TEOTWAWKI?" Really?
you to be saying that the whole Mayan subjnet is a load of rubbish ?? Yes,, It is a very Good Doc,,well made and photagraphed
are you saying that the the statue if Fake ???
The "statue" is just rock. Volcanic rock spires. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Does it trouble your mind / the way you trouble mine?"
Hey Tomy,
They keep airing it for more viewers, hence more money just like all their debunked doomathons. There are always more people for them to draw into their nonsense. As P.T. Barnum is supposed to have said, "There's a sucker born every minute."
Fun stuff from James Turner posts from his forum:
"I think the monument dates to the 7th Century and the reign of Chan Bahlum at Palenque. However, the island profile of the Egyptian Sphinx I discussed in The Ahau Chronicles Volume 19 suggests the island was known at least 5000 years ago by the Egyptians. "
"Many people have echoed your comments. As I explain elsewhere, the made-for-TV drama was done for entertainment value, and the erroneous facts stated about the island are done in the voice-over narration. I don't make any of these claims. The boat ride was an attempt to characterize the nature of the sea voyage. The dangerous "window of weather" was a fiction. I don't recommend getting all your info from TV. But a big hug (abrazo) for our amigo from the southlands. Vive Chile!"
Stuff from Turner-believers:
"whate if some 1 blew up the sun god wood it all be over cuz iam only 14 i dont want 2 die i just started my life): "
"Hi James
I watched your documentary "Apocalypse Island" on the History Channel not to long ago and I was amazed.What really grabbed my attention is the territory that has not been discovered yet.Can you please tell me the name of that territory? I would love to go and try explore that area."
"I am new to this whole Mayan calendar prophecy, but we definitely have some wicked shit going on and I am all about finding out as much info as I can.
Not only is that monument real and man made… it is totally phallic. Wikipedia says the tallest Mayan phallic monument is 10 ft tall. Also, the head of Hunahpu is used as a variant sign for the 20th day… and to that you can add the phallic as a one.
Do you have an aerial shot that you could send to me? What are the Jaguar's eyes looking at? And the Phallics?
Did the Mayans use 12212012 for the date or did they have different symbols (I assume they did)… just thinking could be binary of sorts. or the 0 could represent the wormhole or the black hole in the milky way. 1 reps Venus, 2 reps Earth… How did the Mayans write the date?
Did you cut into the soil at the base to see how high the water level has been?"
"My husband and I watch your show on the history channel also. We had just watched the documentary "180" and are still really excited about both adventures. Dave got his degree in Recreation from BYU and his Master's in Park Management Urban Design from the University of Utah. We have 10 kids… 7 by adoption…. and everyone would rather live outdoors, sleep in tents, and eat snails than do the otherwise. It would be a dream come true to participate in this climb in 2012 not to mention the 10,000 mile journey to Patagonia…. Thank you for sharing this film with the world… it has certainly changed ours. Thanks, Dave & Lynda Richards, Utah"
I don't think this island carries Mayan carvings and I also do not believe the world will end in 2012. What is hard swallow however is the the arrogance in this article as well as the arrogance and cockiness of the people who have posted comments here. You people seem to think that we know everything that there is to know about the Mayans and the ancient past when that could not be farther from the truth. We know almost nothing about the Mayans since the Spanish thought it would be a good idea to destroy the library of knowledge they had amassed. I'm no expert, which I am sure some will be more than happy to point out, but it seems to me that we really have very little knowledge of these people and these who talk about them with any certainty are fooling themselves.
What is hard swallow however is the the arrogance in this article as well as the arrogance and cockiness of the people who have posted comments here.
Oh, excuse me, my troll indicator turned on… wait… all right! Keep on talking…
You people seem to think that we know everything that there is to know about the Mayans and the ancient past when that could not be farther from the truth. We know almost nothing about the Mayans since the Spanish thought it would be a good idea to destroy the library of knowledge they had amassed.
There it is! If the Spanish destroyed the mayan books, so how could the doomsayers know that the Maya knew about the end-of-the-world? Got you.
Also, the mayans scholars and present-day mayans, living in Guatemala and in other countries, never mention 2012 and they should know about mayan beliefs more than you.
I find it interesting that you think that this article is arrogant.
We are very careful to not ascribe things to the Maya that are not supported by the evidence. You are correct that the Spanish destroyed a lot of the Mayan codicies, but that was hundreds of years after the collapse of their civilization, and subsequent dispersal. The Maya lived for 4 or 5 centuries within the Aztec civilization before the Spanish ever arrived. The possibility of cultural contamination is why archaeologists prefer to focus on the structures and artifacts of the Maya that correspond to the period of their civilization.
What we have done is to challenge the statements that others make about the Maya, and demand that they show evidence for the things that they claim. In the article you are commenting on, we challenge the idea forwarded by the program that the Maya traveled from central America to an island thousands of miles to the South, when there is no evidence that they were a sea-faring culture. We challenge the reasoning that the Maya selected this island as being a unique vantage point for a pair of astronomical events, when we show that neither event would be visible from the island. We challenge the idea that the rocks were carved when there is no evidence of tooling, and we challenge the idea that the Maya could even predict that a particular island thousands of miles away would be a vantage point for anything, when there is no evidence that they understood the shape of the world.
These are all things that the show projected upon the Maya with no evidence or support, but somehow we are arrogant?
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Why are you trying to argue we actually agree with each other kind of? I don't believe that the world will end in 2012 all that I think will happen in 2012 is that a lot of people will get rich making documentaries and writing book about the end of the world. What I am saying is that it is pure arrogance on our part to pretend that we know all there is to about the Mayan culture when it is obvious we don't. From what I've read and gathered from other sources all that happens when theca lender ends is that it starts over again.
Why are you trying to argue we actually agree with each other kind of?
Possibly because you just straw-manned the person who wrote the article.
What I am saying is that it is pure arrogance on our part to pretend that we know all there is to about the Mayan culture when it is obvious we don't.
Nobody here has ever pretended to "know all there is there to about the Mayan culture."
What I am saying is that it is pure arrogance on our part to pretend that we know all there is to about the Mayan culture when it is obvious we don't.
We don't, and the doomsayers probably know even less than us. This is not arrogance, it's a fact. The information on the articles can be confirmed by the mayan scholars and every single mayan you wanna talk to. But what the doomsayers are claiming is pure BS and specialists can't confirm that.
So, if we say the truth, we are being arrogants?