im sooo happy there is finally something that gives the truth….and im happy that there is people out there that dont believe in 2012 and are trying to get the truth out
but i also have to say it makes me furious when you read comments that say "your such an idiot for thinking it going to happen" or "stop worrying you baby"
there is many comments along those lines and worse, whats the point of telling people its not going to happen by laughing at them and for some making the situation worse?? we might as well tell the its going to happen….
we should be giving these people words of encouragement but also the truth…NOT put downs
You're absolutely right, kanrh, and thanks for saying this. This web site was started to help people who are worried about 2012. The way to do that is by showing them that we take the time to refute the nonsense about 2012 because we care about them. If we show that we're doing it because we're on our own power trips, we lose.
And more importantly, the people we're supposed to be helping lose.
"I was glad to be able to answer him promptly and with confidence. Without hesitation, I told him I didn't know." Mark Twain
What can I say? I agree with you.
However, the members of this site have elected to run the forums with anonymous posting turned on, so that people like you can come here and have their say without having to register with wikidot. In those circumstances it is virtually impossible for me (or anyone else) to guarantee that everybody is going to 'play nice'.
We have also elected to be as open as is possible. The members who are moderators and administrators are actually very laid back. I think as the site owner I am probably the only one who has ever deleted a post or edited someone else's post. We have also elected to be very light-handed when it comes to moderating the forums, for the primary reason that proponents sometimes come here and call us names, rant a bit, and otherwise make fools of themselves. The examples are legion in the forums.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Oh, and in case anybody thinks that the forums are not a huge part of this site, have a look here. As of today (19 August 2010) our forum is again ranked #1 as far as the number of posts in the last 7 days. The forum is an active part of this site, and is in fact how this site addresses many of the issues and concerns that people have.
As I said to someone else recently: I am humbled and thankful for everybody who participates in the forums. I am frequently proud of how you handle yourselves in the face of harsh criticism, and the sheer insanity of the claims made against you, and against this site.
But I am the most proud when someone comes here scared to death, and then is reassured, and a few posts later thanks you for being honest, and generous with your time, and most of all, kind.
It's easy to stand out from the 2012ers. After all we have seen them terrorizing children1
I realize that there are people who participate in the forums with differing points of view on various subjects, and we set all of that aside in order to fight against this horrendous hoax. Let us also, as Phil Plait says, avoid throwing the baby out with the bathwater.2
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
I, too, agree and I also agree with Astro, it's nothing short of amazing that people of different religions, opinions and backgrounds have actually banded together to combat the flood of rumors, theories and "prophecies" surrounding 2012, if there is one thing left in this world that has surprised me as of late, it's this fact.
Why anyone would say that someone who is worried about the 2012 rumors or, scared by the 2012 rumors is an idiot is beyond me, as humans, we are all gullible to one thing or, another, there's no denying this.
However I do believe that if a 2012 proponent is spewing bile like 90% of them do, then it's perfectly fine to call them an idiot and in fact, I've pointed out their idiocy, bluntly, more than anyone that I've seen thus far.
When it comes to someone who is seeking help, there's absolutely no reason why anyone should insult them, because at one point in time, all of us were afraid of something, especially as children.
As I've said in another post.. Fear is like the plague, it spreads quick and it hits hard and it's difficult to rid of, but luckily, we have people like Astro, Jim, Juju, Alene, Ian O'Neil and many, many other of the contributors of this website to combat this particular fear. Just like stories of the BoogeyMan, stories of 2012 has spread at an alarming rate, but unlike the BoogeyMan, 2012 is also effecting adults, as well as the children. Anyone, and I do mean anyone who is willing frighten a child, someone who doesn't know any better, is a coward and they deserve every bit of insult that flies at them.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
A popular video game titled Dragon Age: Origins was released last year. In the early stages of the story, the player enters a small village that has been plunged into chaos by the departure of its lord and the approach of a hostile army (the "darkspawn"). Near the local chapel is a raving (and heavily armed) lunatic, standing before a small crowd and rather hilariously crying doom.
A nearby peasant implores: "Please! You're scaring the children!"
The doomsayer responds: "Better to slit their throats now than let them suffer at darkspawn hands!"
Now, I don't think I've seen any 2012 nuts openly advocating murder or suicide, but there seems to be a similar disregard for the sensitivity and malleability of children.