So, I refuse to link youtube videos. Why? That's just asking for trouble. Anyway, so I was watching a certain users (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ELLIOT) youtube videos, hoping to see if people were listening to what he was saying… and something caught my eye.
Something involving the use of Google Sky to track an incoming large number of celestial bodies coming straight for us/the sun/the solar system.
… Apparently Nibiru has adopted a new solar system and is bringing it with him on it's return visit.
Okay, look. I know this defies all logic, but I really need to know something: How can this even be considered remotely possible?
The video is called something along the lines of "Double tailed comet" or whatever, which you can find on the related bar to the right if you check out Elliot's videos. Again, I refuse to do direct links. I can't subject myself to the insanity again.
Seriously, you don't NEED to tell me how impossible this is. Actually, wait. Please do. Laughter makes the ouch go away.