Is Obama really declaring Martial Law in the United States. It is really scary because there is concentration camps. Obama doesn't look like a bad guy and he has a good family but is this true?
Why would he be declaring martial law?
That seems to be an unfounded rumor. I'd ask whoever you got this from to justify it.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Check on youtube Obama Martial Law..most of the videos are on youtube but you can check on google also..there's also some proof that planes are dropping chemtrails to weaken our immune system. They built many concentration camps around the US
Many people believe Obama has something to do with 2012 doomsday. Christians believe he is "antichrist" Also television is propaganda even though it doesn't look like it. Im scared and I am 13. Can you please do some research and find evidence that this is not going to happen. It's also called New World Order.
I can't post the links because there is so many of them. I think it also has something to do with the police chiefs in the US resigning.
I found some links and I want you to see them please.
This site scares me the most :
Sorry for too many posts…Im just scared..this is a great site.
No problem, we understand. Don't mind Moo's tone, he is just very passionate about this kind of stuff.
I'd like to tackle some of what you said:
… there's also some proof that planes are dropping chemtrails to weaken our immune system
I have the beginnings of a page on chemtrails, but really, you should scroll to the bottom and check out the links there. The so-called 'chemtrails' are just jet contrails.
They built many concentration camps around the US
Actually they have not. The pictures that I have seen that make this claim were 1) of a FEMA storage yard where they were storing 'coffin liners' for the next big disaster (a macabre reality), and 2) of a concentration camp… in North Korea.
Christians believe [Obama] is "antichrist"
The correct statement would be that some Christian groups believe this. Christians as a whole do not. In addition, I would be willing to bet that every world leader in history, including every President of the U.S.A., has been identified as "the antichrist" by someone along the way.
One example of this would be the Western Schism in the Catholic church, were at one point there were three different popes, all pointing at each other and identifying the others as the "antichrist".
Also television is propaganda even though it doesn't look like it.
Actually it does look like propaganda… for cars, toothpaste, and the inevitable late-night bail bondsman commercial. The FCC only regulates companies fairly lightly, and as Alene will tell you, they can legally lie to you. So TV is propaganda… it's just not government propaganda.
New World Order
The NWO is the paranoid delusion of a few paranoid Christian survivalist types. It has been invoked by these groups for decades. Every president, world leader, or racial group that they dislike has been slapped with the NWO label. It is meaningless.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Excuse me, but didn't they say that Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were to declare Martial Law as well?
The amount of stupidity from these doomsayers is staggering.
New World Order is just slang for "Holy Crap! I've run out of doomsday theories! Let's recycle one!"
And that's pretty much how it goes, a never-ending stream of contaminated and contagious bullshit.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
Are you serious, Robert? Why are you doing this to yourself? Stop buying into the conspiracy theorists and the 2012 zealots trying to tie anything and everything, real or fake, to 2012.
First off all, you need to stop goign to Youtube. I'm dead serious. All Youtube is good for these days is Touhou Music and that's it. Youtube is the second biggest piece of crap that has ever happened to the internet.
The first being 4chan. Or maybe Google itself.
You need to stop doing this to yourself.
First Link: Conspiracy Theorist
Second Link: Conspiracy Theorist
Third Link: Conspiracy Theorist
Fourth Link: Conspiracy Theorist
Fifth Link: Conspiracy Theorists.
Stop it. Stop doing this to yourself. These conspiracy theorists are as jaded as "The Government" they wish to expose. They are one-sided and refuse to see the middle ground.
Please keep in mind that all the crap they're really pinning it down on wasn't even due to Obama, it was Bush's warlust that screwed the economy up.
Oh here comes the Obama and Bush are in cahoots conspiracy now!
Seriously, you're not even citing viable 2012 material anymore. You're just… busting out all sorts of whacko conspiracy theories and works of fiction that are scaring you into coming here and seeking comfort for them.
If you're going to be afraid of everything you can't understand, what can we do to help you? You're taking conspiracy theorists way too seriously, and you're accusing works of fiction to be truths about 2012.
Your fear is making you delusional. You're the type of person who needs to convince themselves that 2012 is real, and everytime something is debunked for you, you go out seeking more.
The road to recovery is not seen through by the hands of others pulling you. At some point, you need to open your eyes, and use your own pair of legs to finish that last step.
Open. Your. Eyes.
Stop listening to the conspiracy theorists.
Stop listening to the zealots.
Who are you really going to believe? Some no name on Youtube that's trying to make a name for himself by joining the bandwagon about "EXPOSING THE TRUTH" of Nibiru, 2012, or 'The Government Conspiracy'?
Or are you going to believe major scientists like Neil deGrasse Tyson? David Morrison? And so many others?
Stop buying into things. Stop driving yourself insane. The moment you start taking works of cited FICTION seriously is the point where you need to wake up.
Hi Robert,
I'd just like to add to what Moo has already told you.
President Obama is not declaring martial law.
He is not the antichrist. Only screwballs and religious extremists make that preposterous claim.
There are no concentration camps.
There is no NWO.
All the foolish conspiracy theories you find on YouTube and woo woo sites are rubbish. You need to realize that any idiot can post his pet theory on YouTube, and there are lots of idiots out there.
I was hoping it is Mary Jane. Is it not? :-(
“In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.” - Oscar Wilde