Alright here's my rant on what's shaping up to be yet another failed doomsday prediction by the internet masses.
We've all at one time or another have come across all the 2012 hysteria and the false claims that are mostly debunked by this site but yet you get a few of the crazed 2012 believers that want us to worry about every thing around any corner. Now while i'm not a debunker i'm going to weigh in on a few things that a lot of the crazed 2012 doomsayers.
First off the supporters of the proponents.
Nibiru defenders obviously are the big ones here as that's partly the reason the 2012 stuff. And to those defenders of Nancy Leider let me just say this SHE PREDICTED THIS IS 2003 and it didn't happen so why should anyone believe her now. Not to mention that as people have pointed out here on the forum have said for Nibiru to even be in the position to hit us in 2012 it would have to be here at this moment.
The History Channel. Alright now on to the History Channel who have traded credibility for ratings with their numerous 2012 specials including yet another Nostradomis one that is airing within the next several days. For people that want to believe what they see on T.V. they need to wake up because Not only are you people believing a TV Program but you are also beliving people with no qualifications or actual facts sounds like most of the 2012ers doesn't it.
The Bible. This is a rather easy one for anyone who actually has read the Bible and the Book of Revelations but yet people seem to link the Bible and specifically Wormwood. But as has been predicted by many to come in 2012 and that the Bible supposedly has some end time prophecy that no one's ever seen in 2012. How about the 2012ers try to remeber this important verse. But of the day and the hour no man shall know not even the angels in the heavens or the father but only the son. It should be overly clear that the Bible says nothing about 2012 or December 21st 2012.
And most importantly The Mayan Calendar which is apparently the vocal point of these doomsayers. Here's my question how do the doomsayers predicted anything for Dec 21st 2012 How do they possibly know that was one of these 2012ers there when the Mayans were making this calendar. Also if the Mayans were smart enough to know when our world time was ending how come they had no knowledge of being masscared by Cortez and his Conquistadors. Come on do some research.
That's my little view on 2012 and doomsday hope you guys enjoy reading it. Keep up the great work on the site.