Is this page true or not?
In a word, "No"
In more than a few words, from time to time I come across someone who has taken pieces of that film, elements of that page and made videos about it, and they all boil down to the same mistakes of people not reading or understanding the data correctly, or linking objects to events without providing evidence (the old 'Planet X causing earthquakes' malarky).
If you've got any specifics you want addressed, I'm sure there are answers a few of us could point you to, and a few of the claims I'm sure have already been talked about on this site.
Is this page true or not?
No, it's crap. It's starts off wrong.
"There have been numerous deadly Earthquakes over the last 10 years…."
Actually, we infer that there have been numerous deadly earthquakes over billions of years. Humanity simply wasn't around to observe most of them.
"Cold snaps" and weather patterns of all sorts have been a part of the earth's climate for as long as we can tell.
The claim, "flooding around the Earth has been apocalyptic in nature," is just stupid. What differentiates a normal destructive flood from an "apocalyptic" flood anyway? Is the difference even meaningful, or simply relative to observers (and the ad hoc assertions of charlatans)?
"There have also been reports of food shortages this year in many parts of the world."
There have always been food shortages in some parts of the world. This was true 2,000 years ago, 5,000 years ago, 10,000 years ago, and it's true today.
The claim, "The point is that life on Earth from here on for us weak human beings will become much more hard and apocalyptic in nature," is utterly baseless.
The article also claims, "Our work here is to show you the facts and to awaken and prepare you for the upcoming doomsday events, end of the world, 2012 nibiru and planet x!"
Tom, Nibiru isn't real.
"The gravitational pull of a planet entering the inner solar system would indeed have profound effects on all the orbiting bodies, including Earth."
Well, duh. The article then attempts to explain purported weather anomalies with Nibiru. Fail. This is a red herring to distract you from the fact that the orbits themselves would be wrecked by such a body, and we simply don't observe this.
"And not long ago it was announced that the giant-planet Jupiter had lost on of its belts!"
This isn't unusual. It's happened before. Jupiter's climate in general is very crazy.
"It was there last year, but when Jupiter came out from behind the sun on its yearly orbit, it was gone. Jupiter with only one belt is almost like seeing Saturn when its rings are edge-on and invisible for a time — it just doesn't look right…."
Note here how the statement is quoted completely out of context.
"And recently, newly released Hubble Space Telescope photos reveals that Pluto is Turning Red!"
Well, that's a bit of an overstatement. It also has an explanation (not Nibiru): "Buie said he can explain the redness, but not why it changed so dramatically and so recently. The planet has a lot of methane, which contains carbon and hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen gets stripped off by solar winds and other factors, leaving carbon-rich areas on the surface, which tend to be red and dark…. His analysis also found that nitrogen ice was shifting in size and density in surprising ways. It's horribly cold on Pluto with, paradoxically, the bright spots being the coldest at about -382 degrees Fahrenheit. Astronomers are still arguing about the temperatures of the warm dark spots, which Buie believes may be 30 degrees warmer than the darker areas."
Little anomalies in space and things we don't fully understand are by no means cause to run for the hills and scream, "Nibiru cometh!" at the top of your lungs.
"NASA scientists on December 16, 2008 announced that 'THEMIS spacecraft (a series of satellites monitoring earth's magnetosphere) have discovered a breach in Earth's magnetic field ten times larger than anything previously thought to exist.'"
Astrogeek mentions this is in another thread. Just use the search box above and type in "THEMIS." You'll probably find it.
"See, maybe this doomsday apocalypse conspiracy isn't so crazy after all."
Actually, it's crazier than ever.
"Even NASA Scientists admit remarkable events are about to take place in the very near future!"
This assertion is pulled out of the author's … nose. Not one NASA scientist — or any scientist — has "admitted" any such thing.
"Planet X's mass, high-plasma-charged magnetism, and density is such that it disrupts the surface of every planet it passes. In fact, history shows a few years prior to its passage that its far reaching electromagnetic influence changes Earth's core flows, triggering major weather changes."
Um, history shows no such thing. Planet X doesn't exist.
"The up-tick of quakes, volcanic incidents and changes in electromagnetics are being kept out of the media as much as possible."
Well, that's good, since no such things are occurring. I look poorly upon most media outlets often enough, without them openly embracing pseudoscience and woo on top of everything else.
That's only about half the article, but I feel like I'm wasting my time. Is there something in particular that you find compelling and want addressed? I have neither the time nor the will to "debunk" the whole thing, because it's quite obviously a confused jumble of nonsense, quote-mining and pseudoscience. The bottom line is that Nibiru doesn't exist.
I don't think I can add anything to JuJu's post.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Trust me, if it were true, these people wouldn't spend their time on writing books, and making videos.