Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
I say it's on Yahoo take it for what it's worth but i'm sure Astrogeek or someone else to answer this post but my answer is it's Yahoo don't trust it.
I was fixing to post the same article! This has me terrified!!
Scary headline to get you to click it and read it. If you read it, you'd realize it was an article on marine life. Mostly coral reef marine life and the possibility of a large section of it dying off for one reason or another.
This is not a "ZOMG WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE" thing. This article is… nothing new. Speculation of mass-species extinction is nothing new. This is NOT Humanity Mass Extinction the article is talking about. This is coral marine life, and not even a total extinction. More like a massive decline and then starting back up.
I do not see the point of this article, honestly. It's not saying when it will happen, and gives a few suggestions as to why… but nothing more.
It's sort of a… honestly, this is why Yahoo News is stupid. Did any of you read the article, or just get scared at the headline?
I even read it again for giggles, because god (Irony) knows I hate reading the news!
Uh… it's… such a stupid, pointless article. It's saying that scientists (WHICH) use to think species diversity is a good thing. Now they think it's a bad thing.
Who are these scientists?
Why is this article important?
Why does it have a 'scary' headline to draw people into it?
Oh. Right. It's a pointless article trying to invoke the theory that species diversity will cause a species to revert back millions of years in evolution.
… Uh. Okay. Why is this a Sign of 2012 Doomsday? Did ANYONE read this article?
Oh, I read it! I'm not saying that I personally but into it..after my experiences with articles on Yahoo, I cannot trust everything that I read…all I wanted was to pick the brains of others by posting it..just curious to see what everyone had to say!!!
And I never said it this was a sign of doomsday, but just based on some of the comments posted to the article, you know there are people who are going to link it to 2012.
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
Right!! At first, just based on the title, I just knew that they were going to say something related to a 2012 disaster..and I can't lie-I started to become a little scared about what it could say..but then when I read it, I kinda thought the title was a little misleading. As I kept reading, I realized that it was nothing like the title made it out to be. What caught my attention were the 2012 comments and that's why I posted it.
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
I'm not terrified by it, and Mike, that's the same thing that I was thinking. Had I read this article before I ever stumbled upon this wonderful website, I would have freaked the $%&* out. But the credibility from various articles I've even found on Yahoo have not been all that..well..credible!
I just wanted to see what others are saying..there are comments on the article about this being doomsday related..hell, there are people convinced that this second Gulf platform explosion is proof that 2012 is going to be the end!!
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
On note of the second explosion, it was extremely minor. At the point I kept following it, there were no fatalities and no leaks. Unfortunate it happened but nothing devastating.
As for you, elsegeorge, I was mostly pointing at "O M G" being 'terrified' over it. Honestly, if you simply ignore the article and scroll down to the stupid comments? Yeah. It'll be people going "2012 CONFIRMED!!!" Funny though that there were a few comments there that called people stupid for not even reading the article, but… yeah.
People have to keep in mind, us rational debunkers are severely outnumbered by the woo-woos. Overall I believe most of the human population thinks 2012 is bogus, but when it comes to people actively talking about it? We're outnumbered, badly.
This just means we have to be more rational, we have to read through things, and we have to speak louder. When it comes to linking articles, please keep in mind where the source is from!
And remember, NEVER read the comments section of ANYTHING. You're ASKING for it!
Agreed!! We are outnumbered!! When I first heard of the second explosion, I was a little concerned..but after the Deepwater explosion, this one is definitely minor and I don't get why (I mean, I do) people are seriously associating it with seems so ridiculous to me. This one is in no way the magnitude of the Deepwater rig.
I just had to Moo, the comments are the funniest things ever. I never read them to get 'more informed' or to scare myself in any way (this website and the people on it have helped me to overcome that sh*t) or whatever, I just love to see the different responses that people give..some people are just lunatics.
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
Was the word scientists accompanied by Quotation Marks because whenever you see that 9 times out of ten that's how you can tell that it's not real scientists.
O M G - Chill buddy. Caps lock just makes you angrier. I don't know why you're letting stuff like this work you up. This sort of end of the world crap has been going on since before you and I were even alive. Just uh… turn your head to the left of these posts, and read every link there. Relax. Calm down. Be happy. If you don't, you're gonna feel like a pretty big dork come New Years 2013 when you're rocking yourself back and forth and everyone else is having a party.
Just… calm down. Relax. Ignore the doomsday stuff. Been going on for hundreds of years. Don't start caring now.
Mike - Nah, of course not. But it didn't name any scientists. 10/10 times you know it's just a random article that isn't trying to say anything at all.
O M G..I can completely understand your frustrations! I'm actually due to have my second daughter in 7 weeks, and I have a 5 year old as well. I was consumed with fear over everything associated with 2012.
Have you began to read any of the information in the box to the left? The information provided on this website..and everyone who contributes/posts/responds are awesome. Take some time and read what all is provided here, I'm sure that it will hwlp you out a lot…as it did for a lot of other people..including myself! Ask questions if you have to (whether you don't understand what you are reading or if you are just that scared/confused about something) and they will do their best to help you out!
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
I've read those articles, I've read the stuff from Ask An Astrobiologist….I just can't shake the feeling of dread. I even went to a therapist over this crap and it didn't help. Nothing seems to help. I just feel like we only have 2 years left and then you read about mass extinctions……
Well, I don't think that your fears are going to dissipate instantly, mine certainly didn't. It's not going to happen overnight..but what really helped me out is checking every reference that everyone posts..either in the information listed in the box, or in the discussion forums themselves. It helps to know what sources people are referring to in their posts. Also, asking questions and sharing your fears with others is helpful. Like I said, everyone on this website is extremely helpful when it comes to having questions and fears associated with anything related (or not) to 2012. Just try to stay positive and stay informed!
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
Yeah… mass extinctions based on some… ugh. I'm not really trained in this field. The article is just nonsense theories trying to counter other theories and blah blah blah wankers.
But, yeah. I was scared terrified of 2012. Even for a couple of months since I found this website. Then I came to three conclusions.
1) Every 2012 doomsday theory is retarded.
2) People will try to connect anything to doomsday. Like they have for years upon years.
3) So what if we all die in two years? Live it up and enjoy life while you have it. What's the point in living in fear? You're not even living anymore then. If something major is going to happen, you can't stop it. You can't save yourself. Why be afraid of it? Just live and enjoy what time you have left. Because EVERY second could be your last.
Seriously O M G. Every second of your life could be your last. You know this. More realistic things could kill you at any second. Are you going to be afraid of everything? 2012 is crap. Enjoy your life, or continue to allow fools to destroy it. These 2012 people? Just want to destroy lives for their own amusement, or have become destroyed.
Do not fall. Get up and enjoy life. 2012 is bullshit. Look at these theories. Look at these so called signs. It's nonsense. It's ludicrous. It's all twisted from things people have no idea are about.
You will be alive unless something tragic happens to you before 2013. And it won't be due to December 2012. And if you are alive then, and spent the last two years and four months huddled in a corner… what then? Will you be afraid of the next faux doomsday date?
Do not let these people get to you. Stay positive, stay informed, but avoid 'news'. News is saturated with insanity. Only watch your LOCAL news channel. NOTHING more. THEY are NORMALLY legit and DO mention major world events with out twisting them.
Avoid stations like Fox News. ESPECIALLY Fox News.
Watch cartoons more. Enjoy the purity. And do not watch Cartoon Network, it's stupid. Watch Boomerang. Boomerang helped me get over my fears so well.
Just. Live.
Life, as a whole, is full of threats to each person as an individual and life also has numerous threats for us, as a species. I've said this a million times.. No one on Earth, Mars, Kronos, Heaven, Hell or, anywhere else can predict when, where, how or, why our species or, planet will come to an end.
There's absolutely no way, at all.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
Doom and gloom are what sells. That's why they used the scary headline for an article that told us nothing new. They aren't talking about humans becoming extinct or anything that is a threat to us. They are talking about some coral species and such. If you read the entire article, you will see that there is nothing frightening in it, unless you are a phillppine crocodile, a california condor, or any of the other species they listed as being severely endangered.
O M G just hang in there! 2 more years and it will all be goneeeeeeeeeee!
Sorry, that post would have caused some misunderstanding, what i mean is 2 more years and your fear of 2012 will all be gone, if it hasn't already done so before that time.