Editor's Note: Dear readers: What follows is the ranting of someone whose ideas have been rejected at every level. Physics, more than any other science it seems, attracts cranks, who have little formal education, but an inflated sense of self-importance and ego. Gorelik's ideas fall into this category. I considered removing this post due to the nature of this forum, and the lack of relevance to the 2012 issue. However, that's not my style. So, to those of you who might be concerned about some of the things that Gorelik says here, head over to this thread at physforum.com, where Gorelik made the exact same claims, and immediately had his head handed back to him on a platter. Gorelik's ideas have been thoroughly examined, and they have no merit. |
TeV energy collisions can lead to formation of a droplet of dangerous fermionic or bosonic condensate (strangelet or magnetic hole, correspondingly). That will lead to collaptical explosion of our Earth and Sun. Astronomers can see about 15 such explosions in our Galaxy every year.
There is very great probability that we all are already doomed, if the dangerous droplets were already created and grow somewhere inside the Earth. We’ll be able to know about growing droplets existence, when their masses will be about of 1 kg or couple of orders more. At such mass their neutrino output will be comparable to the output of one nuclear power station. On the next day – ten times more; the next day – hundred times more…
So, fasten your safety belts, - be ready to start into cosmos; be ready to suicidal reproduction of our biosphere.
If a microscopic magnetic holes were already created, then physicists will register the additional and growing flux of electronic antineutrino from the Earth;
If a microscopic droplets of strange matter were already created, then physicists will register the additional and growing flux of different sorts of neutrino from the Earth.
Do not fear.
We have a sacred mission – not only to die, but to bring the life to other stellar systems.
The most probably, the dangerous condensate was already created and it is growing now somewhere inside the Earth.
So, I do not think, that now, after the crime was already performed, there is a cause to fight against the suicide of our planet.
Glory to CERN physicists!
I wish to all of you a happy flight to stars.
Our biosphere must reproduce.
We are seeds of future life in the Galaxy. The seeds must be transported to other stars in comets. The explosion of a grown-up habitable planet is an inevitable element of biospheres reproduction.
Don’t fear to die and perform your sacred mission.
Yesturday I have made a program "Explosion of the Earth, switched by criminal physicists".
Here it is:
http://darkenergy.narod.ru/ExplosionRu.exe in Russian;
http://darkenergy.narod.ru/Explosion.exe in English.