hi there 2012 debunkers! I have been reading for little more than three days now and your content is great and your contributors are very helpful but I have been wondering if it would be too much to ask for a thread specifically dedicated to the contributors of the website including the site admin.. by this what I really mean is; would it be too much to ask for a thread where the contributors and admin give us readers a little more background on themselves? similar to a Q&A section dedicated to those who contribute here.. I think it could help with trust or just "getting to know" who these people are who are passing out facts but this idea could be completely bias because I'm very curious :)
by the way keep up the great work you guys!
I do admit that this simplistic idea does have potential, however, this decision is ultimately the decision of the site Admin(s) which are Astrogeek and I believe TickTock, if approved, it's still up to the 2012hoax team (contributors) to reveal information of themselves if, and when they're asked questions.
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I think this would be a great idea also! It would really help people to trust this website, if they feel as if they know the contributors on a more personal level!!!!
We do have some brief information about us, surprisingly enough, under About Us at the top of the page. I'll see about expanding mine a little, but it will be up to each individual how much they want to add.
When we started, we had a guy on Yahoo Answers who was carrying on a campaign against us, so we were cautious about what we revealed. Although he went away after his claimed tribulation failed to start in July 2009, we still have the doomsayers who don't like our site at all.
Also, as most people know, it isn't wise to reveal personal information on the internet. Anyway, I'll tell a little more about myself and leave it up to the others how much they want to add to their profiles.
It really depends on what you're willing to reveal about yourself, I, personally, will choose to ignore shun a certain question if it's asked, because that's simply something that I don't want to discuss.
It sucks, though, that someone was running a campaign against you guys so early into your development,
I honestly can't fathom why someone would want to smear the names of people who are trying to help, but we're talking about people from Yahoo, of course.
I think that Chippy is referring to general information (e.g. where you learned what you know, how you got involved in your current field, if you have a family, etc.), but there's really no way to say, for sure, until this Chippy person responds with an elaboration of what they're meaning by "more background".
Assuming, of course, that this "background" is general information and not completely personal, then there really shouldn't be much of a problem, but it's the internet.
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Possibly going a bit off topic for a moment, but there will always be someone who disregards such information - it is after all so easy to say that, for example, the site admins have been told to write false biographies, and to anybody who believes that, there's no way back, you will to them always be a liar, alien, government agent, whatever.
For example, it doesn't matter how often I told one particular YouTuber I was unemployed, he was convinced I worked for 'the Government' because of the videos I posted. What was even more entertaining was his evidence: he had found a post, attributed to 3WMElliott on a 'Pro Hacking website'. I actually had to Google myself to see what he was on about, and sure enough, there was a post on a site called Prohackers.
What was the content? It was a video scraped from YouTube, comments and all, a video about Datamoshing, a video editing technique that I had a question on. And that was all. That was enough to brand me a government agent who hacks computers, completely ignoring the fact that Datamoshing concerns deleting individual frames in movie files so they create unexpected visual effects.
Now, back on topic, I do agree and see the point about making some things known, either to make us seem more approachable or whatever, but what list will we end up with? Who is defined as a contributor? There are users who are more active on the forums as oppose to the pages, who certainly put in their work in responding, but are they contributors? Does that make sense to anyone?
That absolutely not to say that only posting in the forums does not qualify you for something, not at all, there are some topics I just don't post on because I know there are others who will, and will do a better job than me at it. There are users who wont touch the pages for the same reason, feeling that others are better suited.
So like I say, I'm not against such an idea, but because I'm not sure exactly what qualifies as a contributor, I'm not entirely sold on it either. Having said that, if you want to know about me, I'll probably say a few things.
Personally, a contributor, to me, is someone who is willing to help respond, debunk, etc. but I also believe that no one is actually a contributor unless the site admin says so, there is after all a difference between a contributor and a poster.
If the site admin says that you're a contributor, then that's what you are, but if they don't say such things then you're pretty much left titleless and that's perfectly fine with me.
Really, the only problem that I do see or, have with this idea is that it is the internet, like a court, anything you say or, do can and will be used against you and that's why any contributor maintains the right to refuse to share certain information or, to share certain information.
Overall, it would be the contributors decision to participate in this idea, as no one is forcing them to do so, but if they decide to participate, I would advise them to do so with caution.
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Well, so far, I haven't been able to add to mine. When I click edit next to my profile, it tells me the page is too complex to edit sections. I see that Bikenbeer has added to his, so I know it can be done. I'm still of the opinion that the best tool for computers is dynamite. Anyway, I'll manage to do it eventually.
Your '2012hoax.org' profile is at http://www.2012hoax.org/alene_y and you should be able to edit that page directly.
I seem to recall thinking it would be better if every member had their own profile page.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Thanks, Astro. I didn't even know I had a page of my own. I have written a little about myself and how I got involved in fighting the 2012 hysteria. Hopefully, knowing more about us will help visitors to the site realize why we are doing this.
Well as Alene Y pointed out, there is an About page with some information. It is up to each member of the site to put the info up there as they see fit.
For myself, if you click on my forum signature Full Frontal Nerdity you will be taken to my 'about' page which has a link to my blog, where you can find more information.
But, that being said, since this information is already out there in one form or another, here goes:
My name is Bill Hudson. I 'own' this site, from the standpoint that I started it, I pay the fees, and I own the domain. But really, this site is a group effort. I have done a lot of the typing and formatting, but most of the information is freely available elsewhere, or came from other contributors in the form of conversations and emails. I actively encourage people to sign up for a free wikidot membership, join the site, and start editing pages.
How I got into this? I am an amateur astronomer. I am not a professional scientist. In my 'day job' I work in Information Systems (in other words, I'm a professional computer geek, hence the nickname 'astrogeek'). I enjoy sharing my love of the night sky with people during public programs at Fremont Peak Observatory. I also enjoy taking that love into school classrooms where I give astronomy presentations. I have been doing that for a few years.
In early 2008 I gave several presentations, and I noticed a recurring question, which was basically "Is the world going to end in 2012?". I am ashamed to admit that I blew it off at that point, and didn't give much thought to it. In early 2009 I gave another presentation, and at the end of this presentation I was overwhelmed with "2012" questions. In fact, two young girls confronted me after the Q&A and were asking specific questions about things that they had seen on the internet. When I asked them where, they replied that they had seen answers on Yahoo! Answers, as well as videos on YouTube.
So, I started hanging out in Yahoo! Answers, and was again overwhelmed with the sheer volume of "2012" questions. I was also overwhelmed by the number of honorable and honest people trying diligently to answer these questions. I was angered by some of the 'bad' answers, including one in particular that sticks in my mind, which was essentially "Kiss your a** goodbye", and of course the inevitable "God's judgement is upon us" and "It's the beginning of the events in the book of Revelation" type of answer (which I find particularly offensive as a Christian)1.
Well, one thing led to another, and I found myself communicating with people of a similar mindset, and I began writing my first article on 2012 on my blog. It got bigger, and bigger, and I found people referring to it, which was great by me. However, what happened was that I was targeted by a particularly nasty poster over on Y!A who began filing spurious complaints against everybody who gave a scientific or skeptical answer to a "2012" question. Eventually he managed to have my account on Y!A terminated, because I had referred to my blog (despite written rules on Y!A which say it is perfectly acceptable to do so).
At that point I realized that what was needed in order to continue referring to a central repository of information was a site that was divided topically, that did not 'belong' to a single person, so that when someone asks a question about Nibiru, they could be referred to http://2012hoax.org/nibiru, and they could do so with less fear of retaliation from Y!A trolls (I say less fear, because the Y!A trolls are still accusing everybody who cites this site of being a single person).
The group of people I was communicating with agreed, and I started this Wiki, and invited them all to contribute. This site was born in April of 2009.
Since then we have managed to attract the attention of various scientists, who have been extremely generous with their time and expertise. Some of them have become members, and everybody has been very helpful in vetting the information, doing fact checks, research, and making sure that the site has high-quality information.
Obviously, we have also attracted some other kinds of attention as well. That doesn't bother me so much. It also doesn't bother me to have my name attached to this site, because as nasty as the 2012ers can be2, they are nothing compared to the Scientologists (who I had a run-in with online in 1994).
In that original group of people were Alene Y, bikenbeer2000, Emma T does not match any existing user name and ticktock. But really, every person who visits this site and posts a question is part of it. I am grateful to each and every person who has contributed to the site in any way, whether it be through participation in the forums, to writing content, or simply posting a note pointing out an error.
So, I'll toss out my challenge (not specifically to you, but to all the readers): Can you read Rose's post about her daughter and not act?
I can't.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Oh and by the way, one way that you can help people like Rose's daughter is to visit sites where kids ask questions (such as Yahoo! Answers, but also other social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace or Twitter) and answer those 2012 questions, even if it is just to point them here.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Can you read Rose's post about her daughter and not act?
That post still troubles me, I really can't seem to shake the thought of those events.
I want to grab one of these doomsayers and backhand them over, and over, and over.
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I'd want to do a lot more to the doomsayers then just grab them and shake them but that's just me.
I'd want to do a lot more to the doomsayers then just grab them and shake them but that's just me.
Oh, I agree, but if I were to do to them, what I'm really thinking about doing to them, I would be sent to another planet and labeled as a danger to the Human race.
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Yeah, me too, but I think it would be illegal to stab them seven times in the heart.
Didn't someone just say…
it is the internet, like a court, anything you say or, do can and will be used against you
Just… throwing that out. We're the friendly, chummy bunch after all.
Yeah, but I did say it would be illegal. As long as none of them actually get stabbed, I should be OK. If they did, I might be in a bit of a pickle. It's a joke my sister and I use whenever someone does something particularly obnoxious. I'm not sure where it originated, probably in some movie.
Gaming is a good cover, factor in just how many games have knives where you can stab your opponents, no one really knows how many of us actually still play video games.
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Does a Doomsayer have a heart or would the knife go right through his/her chest.
Well, in theory, you need a heart in order to survive, but if they do have a heart, I would imagine it to be a very dried up heart filled with sand.
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I have to say, I agree with 3WMElliott on this one. We do not want to cultivate the image of an angry violent mob.
So, while I agree with the expressions of anger, I think we should strive to channel it in more effective ways. Not pointing at anybody here, because I have been guilty of 'venting' this way in the past.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
i like chippy's idea and i would like to ask some of you questions :)
UndeadxNurse, why did you begin studying psychology and how do you know so much about fear? you said that you've had alot of experience with it..
TheGreatJuJu, what is your occupation? you kinda seem like a philosopher..
Astrogeek, what really made you become an astronomer?
Alene Y, i read your portion in About Us but what made you want to become a chemist?
i'm kinda running out of questions lol but those are mainly the ones i'm curious about :)
oh and how many of you have been or are still married?
TheGreatJuJu, what is your occupation? you kinda seem like a philosopher..
I am a freelance programmer (mostly web development), which sometimes is equivalent to "unemployed," but I survive. I'm also an inspiring author. I actually hate philosophy, but it's inevitable, so I have reluctantly studied it quite a bit over the years. If I seem like a philosopher, I must be doing something wrong. ;)
oh and how many of you have been or are still married?
Single, never married. Doesn't look like this is likely to change anytime soon.
I grew up with an interest in astronomy. I credit watching shows like Carl Sagan's Cosmos, as well as listening to the then-president of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Andy Fraknoi on local radio, and catching Jack Horkheimer's short StarGazer stories on Public TV.
In 2000 when the whole "Mars will be as big as the moon" thing started, a lot of interest was generated, and several stores had sales on telescopes. My wife picked up one for me for Christmas that year (being the shrewd shopper she is, she waited until after the hoopla had passed and they were marked down).
This sparked a deeper interest, and I joined a local astronomy club. I discovered that I could reserve their 30" reflector if I participated in public programs, which I began doing. That led me to discover that I liked talking about astronomy, especially to kids, which led me to volunteer in local classrooms. The rest, as they say, is history.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
UndeadxNurse, why did you begin studying psychology and how do you know so much about fear? you said that you've had alot of experience with it..
I began dabbling a bit in psychology, ironically, after watching a movie when I was little, which was "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", after that, though, I realized that there were other things that interested me in psychology, specifically things from my childhood. The way people act, why they do certain things, etc.
My main focus was criminals, mostly, I read a little bit about the likes of Edward Gein, Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy, Charlie Starkweather, and Aileen Wuornos, after reading a little bit about them, I shifted my attention to things that were more-common, fear, happiness, sadness, etc. I actually focused on "Love" for a while, believe it or, not.. As I've stated in my article, however, I don't have a Ph.D in psychology, but I know enough to get me through the day.
So, I suppose you could say that curiosity is what got me into psychology.
As for my knowledge of fear, I grew up in a rough environment and I'd rather not discuss it further than that.
Single and no intention of getting married or, at least not anytime soon, I'm too much of a party-goer.
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Hi Pey,
I always knew that I wanted to be a scientist, but wasn't sure what kind. The university I went to didn't have much of an astronomy curriculum. I could have studied geology there, but not become a vulcanologist, which was the geology area that interested me the most. I started out in biology but, after my first chemistry course, I decided that chemistry was the science that really gets down to the basics of how things work. I considered physics and my first course in that was quite easy, but the professor was a jerk and their good physics professor died before the semester started. So I stayed with chemistry and liked it. I still feel that I would have liked being an astronomer, but I was raising two kids, working nearly full time, and taking 18 hours per semester. I couldn't just pick up and go somewhere else to study astronomy.
That's probably a lot more explanation than you were looking for, but there you have it.
I'm no longer married and don't have any plans to change that. My dad asked me once when I was going to get married again. I told him that, after a few tries, I had decided marriage wasn't my thing. He replied, "I wondered when you were going to figure that out."