I came across this article on a doomsday website which claims that an episode of Wife Swap was pulled from the schedules at the last minute because one of the families involved was going ahead with survival plans for 2012 and the broadcasters decided that viewers might become alarmed. These are the two most relevant paragraphs:
Officially ABC and Disney canceled the episode stating that they do not endorse nor give and credence to the potential cataclysmic events associated with the belief in 2012, and they will not air anything that may show them to endorse any fear based materials. If that was truly the case, then why did they produce the show in the first place?
Unofficially and according to a ABC affiliate representative, the show was reviewed by a 'government entity' that ordered the episode to be removed form all publications in the interest of national security. The statement went on to say, “the subject family’s beliefs ran very deep. They were making real plans for survival and were to disclose many of the theories pertaining to 2012. The show was deemed to be a national interest threat and could cause a potential global panic”. The statement went on to say that, “all-future television shows pertaining to 2012 are now subject to approval. The airing of existing and future shows and documentaries, must include an expert scientific disclaimer of impossibility and must be classified as fiction or fantasy”.
OK, it's a crank website where truth is normally as rare as hen's teeth, but if this is correct, it's a very welcome sign. Has anybody heard about this or is there any way of finding out whether this is true? I believe the show was in fact broadcast because it is available as a streamed video. Presumably the 'government entity' must have overlooked this. OK, so that part of the story was a lie (surprise surprise) but is the whole story an invention about those nasty government people exercising censorship?