In another article, you have learned of ways to talk to your children about 2012, and from one of my articles, you have learned of some ways to deal with your own fear, but now I want to address what truly concerns me..
If you are a parent, you absolutely have to get over this fearful slumber that you have allowed yourself to slip into, while many shows may seem convincing, it is crucial that you look at these shows from a skeptical stand-point. Your well-being is not the only one that's at risk, you have to think of your children.
Your children look up to you, to your child, you are their creator, you are their love, you are their mother, you are their father, but most of all, you are an adult, to them, you are the person who has all of the answers to all of their questions, you are the person that they learn from.
If they see that you are living in fear from something, they, instinctively, will become fearful as well, they will ask a lot of questions and many of them will eventually find out just what it is that you're afraid of and once they learn this, it's likely that they, too, will become afraid of this event.
Human behavior really isn't much different from a pack of wolves, as a family, the parents lead, the children follow. If the parents are fearful of something, the children follow that pattern of behavior, this is common and it is human instinct to act accordingly to their pack leader or, parents.
Once your children (assuming that you have let it get this far) are fearful as well, it is imperative that you forget your own concerns, view this issue from a skeptical stand-point, be the parent and focus on your child's concerns. remember, you are the one that they look up to.
It's necessary to research the claims that have been made, so that you can learn for yourself as well as explain it to your child and provide them with the answers that they're looking for, but before you are able to convince your children, you must convince yourself that these claims are bogus, and that is the hardest part. There are steps that you, as the parent, can take to help yourself and your child.
1) Research the claims that have scared you and/or your child.
2) Take a step back and view the claims from a skeptical stand-point.
3) Spend as much time with your children as you can.
4) Reassure your child and seek reassurance for yourself.
5) Ask for help, when you don't know where to look for answers.
6) Join a community dedicated to answering questions that are relative to your interest.
7) Go to the park with your child, have a good time and have a few laughs.
Any number of these can help, if you are simply willing to push yourself to take those steps, in a time such as this, your child needs you to be Superwoman or, Superman, as many children perceive their parents to be.
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