I've been reading the ABHOTA website and something interesting i picked up is that the Mayan Calendar actually ends on Dec 23rd 2012 yet all the predictions for 2012 or at least a vast majority of them center around Dcember 21st 2012. if the Mayan Calendar does truly end on Dec 23rd 2012 why is there no big prediction for that date.
Because there's not even a prediction for the 21st, either. The Mayan Calendar is thrown around all over the place for various reasons and ugh.
Stop reading into the madness.
Hello Mike,
This article and its supporting links may be useful to you. Experts (real ones) are divided as to whether 21 December or 23 December is the real "end" date, but the 2012 faithful go for 21 December because it's the day of the Winter Solstice in Maya lands.
Also, I just responded (briefly) to this post of yours.
"I was glad to be able to answer him promptly and with confidence. Without hesitation, I told him I didn't know." Mark Twain
Jim Smith. I saw that thank you for your responses to both posts.
Because, December 21st of 2012 sounds catchy.
No, really, that's why.
I read a post here, made by someone else a while back, they were saying that people specifically target dates that can be described as strange (e.g. 9/9/09, 12/21/12, etc.) and after reading some of these dates that have predictions or, prophecies, I'm beginning to think that they are correct.
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So why didn't they pick 12/12/12 or 11/11/11 or even 10/10/10
Wouldn't be surprised if there are predictions for those dates, some are lesser-known than others.
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But what's strange about 12/21/12 exactly other than the Mayan Calendar ends and gullible fools believe that they actually left behind some type of prophecy about the date that the Mayans themselves don't even know about.
The numbers are strange, apparently, it's a phenomena similar to the 11:11 phenomena, to my understanding.
Dates/numbers such as 9/9/99, 1/11/01 and others have been targets for a long time.
Why? I'm not really sure, but the ideal that these are targeted simply because of the numbers seems to be accurate.
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Well, everyone here is right. There are differing opinions on whether the calendar cycle actually ends on the 21st or the 23rd. The most widely accepted date is the 21st. The woo woos like that better anyway because it is the December solstice and because the numbers make a nice combination. Anyway, the Maya made no prediction about it. The only place it is mentioned is on a building dedication and it says some of their gods will descend into something (unreadable). The end of a long count cycle was considered party time.
The only thing I would add to what the others have said is that one doomsayer, Patrick Geryl, covers his bases, by saying that his "gianormous solar flare" will occur between the 21st and 23rd.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind