I think TheGreatJuju will like the second post.
That's quite funny! By and large, I'm actually surprised that most of the posts in that thread are relatively un-hostile. I expected a sewer of woo, and it very well might be one, but not completely in that one discussion at least.
The third post is amusing:
"I agree with Kristian that JuJu wants to wipe the floor with you but in reading his or her post it seems they are in more fear than they want to admit!!"
Now there's an accurate perception. I just debunk woo for the chicks.
And of course, despite his epic and ultimately unsuccessful struggles here, Christensen nonetheless asserts:
"There's some really smart people over there but I sense a lot of denial."
So, him failing to present his own case = "a lot of denial" by the rest of us.
On page two, user Mark Kidwell states:
"You can never convince a skeptic because by nature they are closed to possibilities and will deny all as unsupported claims. So a circular argument will always result. And later on when proved wrong they will pointed out that you were not right about this part or that part to protect and rationalize their previous denial."
Could he have misunderstood more completely? There are points in that discussion where Astrogeek and myself make statements directly contradicting what this guy boldly attributes to us "skeptics."