Alright i will admit to watching some the History Channel specials on Nostradomis and why they didn't scare me because i know he's WRONG. I was more intrigued by the idea that people actually believe Nostradomis actually made predictions like 9/11 or Hurricaen Katrina or 2012 but refuse to note that Nostradomis made these same predictions several times in 1999 and they were WRONG every time why would you believe him.
He purposely worded all his 'prophecies' (many argue they are not even prophecies) to be as ambigious (typoed) as possible so they can be connected to anything.
He's a pretty good example of a fraud prophet.
Nostradamus wrote his prophecies in a specific format that gives us two prophecies of the same event, the reason that there are two prophecies is because we must choose the path that we want to walk.
His prophecies aren't predictions of what will happen, but prophecies of choice, that one day, we will have to make a difficult decision and our survival, and demise, is ultimately in our own hands.
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But, ultimately, he did word his stuff to be able to be keyed into any event the human reading it wishes for it to be.
Perhaps this is too a part of his 'choice' method of prophecy. The prophecies are only having their negatives played out if one choices to view them as such.
… But I still firmly believe such spiritual stuff is nonsense.
My personal opinion of the "quatrains" of Nostradamus is that they were published for pretty much the same reasons that "2012" books are published today…
They sell.
I think Nosty was just cashing in on his popularity.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Possibly, I mean it definitely wouldn't be unheard of for someone to build popularity and cash it in with some stuff that people buy into, especially during the time he was alive.
Prophecies are notorious for being open-ended, kind of like a movie with no specific ending, you can relate that movie or, in this case, that prophecy to literally any disaster in human history, even disasters that occurred before Nostradamus.
Whether he was cashing in on his popularity or, simply writing some crazy stuff, I do agree with the ideal that our survival and demise is in our own hands at this point, it's up to us to choose which way to go. That may be the only true thing from Nostradamus' prophecies.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
Weren't some if not all of Nostradomus's quatrins rewritten after he died.
Not sure on that one, but I'm sure some of them probably have been rewritten.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
By 'rewritten' you mean 'translated'. By 'translated' we mean 'changed to fit the needs and desires of the translator'.
Bible Syndrome is what I call it these days. Except, well, the Bible was innocent prior to some of it's changes. Nostie's crap was always crap.
Yes, unless you read Medieval French, then when you read Nostradamus you are reading a translation, and yes, some of them have been 'embellished' a bit.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
The quatrains were probably all written by Nostradamus while he was alive. I believe that the last group of them was published after his death.
The so-called "Lost Book of Nostradamus" was most likely not.
er… not lost, and not written by Nostradamus.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind