Hi guys. I've been worried about this 2012 stuff for a long time now. I've been to a therapist, talked to our preacher and talked to friends about it. I'm the only one it has effected. Most of the people in my life think it is just hogwash. I've gotten to the point where I'm so worried about something happening on 12/21/2012 that I can't function anymore. I rarely play with my kids, all I can think about is them suffering. That they will never make it past 2 and 3…..I never want to go out with my husband, I don't want to do anything but sit on the computer looking up reasons why 2012 is just another year. It seems like even though I've gone through this website and read many many articles, I just can't convince myself that nothing is going to happen and we will be opeing presents on 12/25/2012. I really need help with this. There isn't one particular thing about the claims that bother more than the next. However, the pole reversals and the black hole and real scientific things really scare me. I watched the Penn and Teller video and Geryl and Rand seem like loons, but I'm just not so sure. I've read David Morrison's site and one from the Maya elder on several websites saying that no modern Maya know of a doomsday claim…..Please help me. I'm sure my children miss their normally vibrant and carefree mommy. I almost fell like I'm in the same boat as Rose's daughter from another discussion.It seems like going on the road I'm on, commitment isn't far off Thanks so much!
Most of the people in my life think it is just hogwash.
I rarely play with me kids
I never want to go out with my husband
I don't want to do anything but sit on the computer looking up reasons why 2012 is just another year.
Follow their lead. Play with your kids. Go out with your husband. Turn off the computer, if only for an hour while you play with your kids.
Seriously. You are your own worst enemy - living in fear sucks, and that fear can be anything. For you, it's 2012, for someone else it might be dogs. For me it's actually fear of failure, and just like how I should kick that fear's rear end, so should you, such that we can move forward with life.
You've already read and watched how wide of the mark the many claims are, you've already seen how the Maya themselves don't agree with claims that supposedly come from their ancestors, you've got the tools at your disposal to know the reality of 2012 claims. Now comes that final step of putting 2012 into the chuckle-box, that shelf in your brain that you'll come back to when your kids have grown up and wonder just how silly it all was.
You might even get to the point of looking forward to 2012, who knows, but it's down to you.
I also strongly suggest watching more cartoons. Such innocent and fun things really help.
Ultimately, the fact that you are your own worst enemy here can not be denied. Only you can truly take both the first and last steps toward recovery. All I can suggest for you to do is to continue to think rationally. Why do you think something will happen in 2012 when there's no evidence to support it?
As was mentioned above, the Maya themselves think it's a load of crap. That's the ONLY connection to 2012 that has existed. Makes you wonder why the date is so important to everyone BUT the people who supposedly foretold it as doomsday, eh?
I smell scam artists. Poor Maya… they're so wrongly infamous. =/
In other words, it's a load of crap and you're going to feel REALLY awkward in 2013 for living in fear for so long! Imagine how that's gonna feel!
The Maya disagree with the doomsday claims, in fact, I imagine that many of them laugh at the absurdity of the claims.
I can't exactly tell you that there's nothing to worry about, per-se, because well, you could get hit by a bus or, have a piano dropped on your head, but I can tell you that the 2012 doomsday claims aren't anything to worry about.
To my knowledge, the poles shift every day, not dramatically, but they wobble, someone may want to correct me if I'm wrong on that portion, though.. There are no black holes around that threaten our little blue ball, in spite of them being everywhere, none are close enough to directly affect us.
When dealing with your fear, I've covered some of the basics, and as much as I wish that I could convince you that these claims are nonsense, I know from experience that you need to convince yourself that they're nonsense and it's up to you to move on with your life, both as a wife and a mother.
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Hi Jessica,
I'm very sorry to hear that the big 2012 scam is frightening you to such an extent. The people promoting the hoax have no scientific background at all. You say that pole reversals, the black hole, and "real" scientific stuff scares you the most. There is no real science behind any of the 2012 BS. Also, none of the pseudoscientific claims can happen any time soon (those which can happen at all). The rotational poles never reverse. The magnetic poles can and do reverse, but not quickly. It takes hundreds to thousands of years for a geomagnetic reversal to complete. It is such a gradual process that it we wouldn't even notice any change in many human lifetimes, and it has no effect on us. The black hole at the center of the galaxy is 26,000 light years away. We aren't moving toward it. Even if we COULD move at the speed of light and if we WERE moving toward it at light speed, it would take 26,000 years to get there. The doomsayers are simply scientifically impaired. They are making up impossible scenarios in order to sell their books and doomsday products to the gullible. You should stop going to their sites and reading their nonsense.
There is no reason to expect 2012 to be anything other than an ordinary year. Listening to a bunch of screwballs instead of scientists isn't a good idea.
We,, I tried to talk to my family about my fears today and my mom's response was "If you believe in the Bilbe and what Christ said, that no man shall know the day or hour, then you should know that it can't happent hat day." My husband's response was "It's all bull!! And even if i is true you can't do anything about it. For every website that tells you that it's false and can't happen there will be 2 that will tell you why it can and vice versa." So, I asked him why did he think the people were dong it and he said "Why do I get up and go to work everyday? Why do people make those websites? It's all about money! Everytime someone viststheir site, they recoieve something or sell something." Why can't I be like them? I have a beautiful pond in my front yard and all I can see are scenes like in the 2012 movie of teh ground ripping up and my babies crying and begging for their mommy. I'm literally sick today from it…throwing up, craying…I really do think I need professional help…but not the therapist I was going to…All she told me was "That if I believed in the Bible I would know it won't happen when it's expected." And then, all of you nice people have tried to explain to me why it can't and won't happen and the earth will be here for billions of more years and I can't believe it. I tried watching the Penn & Teller shows on their link to see if a little comedy would help, but all I could think about was that they were making light of a very bad situation. Granted, Geryl does look like a big cook in it and so does RAnd, specially when he talks to the little girl….I'm just so scared beyond control that I have 2 years left with the family that I love so much. I think of a picture from a history book in school of the family they found huddle together after being engulfed when Mt.Vesuvious erputed….I read the email in another post from David Morrison and even that didn't help…..What can I o? 2012 is all I think about….
I was where you are now exactly two monthes ago. I was sick to stomach and crying in front of my wife and 7 month old. It was disheartening and terrifying. Don't give up and don't stop loving your family. I found that what helped me the most was researching every aspect about what scared me. Sure, I still get scared now and then about it, but now I can rationalize the science behind it all.
I know exactly what you're going through. Just don't give up hope. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Everyone here will do there best.
Hi Jessica,
Your husband is right. They are doing it for money. That's why there are multitudes of doomsayer sites.
It does sound as if you are completely obsessed with this. I agree that you should get some help, and not from that therapist you talked to before. As Winters said, you should see your doctor to get a referral and/or some anti-anxiety medication. When a person becomes obsessed with a particular fear, sometimes reasoning just doesn't help. We'll be here to help, but see your doctor.
I just don't want them to think I'm borderline psycho! I mean, normally I'm the most level-headed person you could meet. Bubbly and full of life, but since I've heard about this stuff, I've took a 180…What kind of therapist do I need that won't think I'm a loon? Alene, do you really believe nothing out of the ordinary will happen on that day? Thanks a bunch!
It's impossible to predict the future but with the fact that these doomsday claims being made have no evidence behind them other then random people connecting everything to the Mayan Calendar which doesn't end on 12/21/12 that's just the 13 Bakatan i'd say it's safe to assume that we're all going to be here throughout 2012 and for as long as we all need to be here.
Hi Jessica,
Yes, I really believe that nothing out of the ordinary will happen on that day. There is absolutely NO evidence to suggest that it will be different from any other day. I am a mother too, and of all the things I worry about for my kids, 2012 isn't even on the list. The loons only picked that day because the Mayan calendar is ending a cycle. They thought the calendar itself was ending, so it gave them a handy new date to use after their previous doomsdays failed
The doctor and the therapists aren't going to think you're a borderline psycho. That's what they are there for, to help people who are unable to help themselves with problems like this. People who are crazy generally don't think they need help. When I said "not the therapist you saw before," I meant because that one apparently doesn't know how to help you get over this obsession. Quoting Bible verses isn't really what you need from a therapist.
And you're quite welcome. We'll be here if you need to talk about it.
No one will think your borderlineof nothing beeing depressed about something is not beeing psycho. No doctor or therapists wont thin that either trust me on that i have been in major depression and was think the same as you but i got the help.
Please take great care of your self ok
I would like to talk to you further about this concern of yours. Please use the "Contact/Comment" drop-down, and select 'Contact Site Admin' to reach me.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
“Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.”- Charles Fulton Oursler.
Jessica, there are people out there who have a fear of tin foil, there are also people who have a fear of chickens, cats, puppies, water, metal, plastic and cotton.
Trust me when I say that no psychologist will think that you're a complete loon.
If you wish, you can contact one of us directly, as Astro offered, you can create an account with Wikidot or, e-mail one of us. Astro, probably, would be the easiest to contact, since you can use "Contact Admin"
I usually don't do this, but seeing your current state of desperation..
I have messengers for all of those, if you need a live one-on-one chat.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
I second Alene. And please don't worry about what a therapist will think of you. I went through at least a decade of borderline clinical depression. When I got to the point where I felt I could ask my therapist what she thought of people like me, she shrugged and answered, matter-of-factly,
Therapists just see depressive thoughts and behaviors as typical symptoms of conditions we're trained to treat.
In other words, a therapist won't pigeonhole you as a "borderline loon", because the behaviors that make you put that label on yourself are exactly what he or she will help you overcome.
I hope, sincerely, that this helps. And trust Astrogeek: in my experience, he's completely reliable.
"I was glad to be able to answer him promptly and with confidence. Without hesitation, I told him I didn't know." Mark Twain
Well you seem to be in a vary bad depression you are in, that is what i can understand, the best way to get help now my dear is some kind of metal health help. I know beeing depress is not a fun part of life and it is hard to get out of this but you know there is help out there. Please go see your doctor soon before its to late. He or she will guide you to the right place or people to help you. I know a whole lot about beeing depress and its not fun, very hard to come back in the right mind. Trust me Mental Heath is the way to for you at this point. Depression cant be cuired alone.
First thing you should do here is stop searching for this 2012 website, Listen to some happy music or comedie, some stuff like that. Get some help please before it to late. Think about your kids and Husband they still need you in there lives.
Things will get better for you ok
Post as much as you want here someone will anwser you.
take care and keep your shine up!!!