Well, I thought I finally had my 2012 anxiety under control. I went a few days thinking that I was silly for thinking anything that the proponents said had any merit. Then my daughter turned 2. And it was like my fears came back full throttle. There really isn't just one thing that bothers me. It's all of the things they say are going to happen. I started thinking she will only be 4 when all this happens. I started thinking about the LHC turning on in less than a month….UGH! This is really frustrating. Could you guys help me a little…..again? Thanks a bunch!
It seems to me that you may be experiencing a form of Postpartum Depression.
Postpartum Depression usually occurs immediately after or, some time after a mother gives birth to a new child, the symptoms are depression, high anxiety, even paranoia, in some cases the mother wants to 'rid of the child', but in others the mother fears that something is going to happen to their child and this can last for weeks, months, possibly years after the initial birth.
The rumors that surround 2012, in spite of seeing and even understanding the facts for yourself, seem to be fueling this depression and anxiety that probably branches from a natural occurrence, most mothers become paranoid over illnesses, losing their baby at the store, the baby falling off from a high place, etc. whereas you seem to have attached your anxiety to 2012, rather than things that could actually harm your child.
To be quite honest, Jessica, I highly recommend that you seek help from a professional psychiatrist, you aren't loony, but you do need help with your anxiety. I wish that we could help more, but as you probably know, there is only so much that we can do to help ease your fears.
A psychiatrist may get a subscription for anxiety medicine, if you're already on depression or, anxiety medicine then they may change your medicine since it's obvious that your current medicine isn't working.
I wish that I could be of more help, but all that I can do for you, at this point, is just to give you the best advice that I know to give you.
Wie Sie säen, so sollst du ernten.
I started thinking about the LHC turning on in less than a month.
15th October 1991, Utah, what was most likely a proton traveling close to the speed of light was observed in a cosmic ray event. It's energy was huge, it was the equivalent of a baseball traveling at 96 km/h, but this was only a teeny tiny proton, invisible to the naked eye. The collision energy of this proton, the all important number we need for comparison between man and nature, was around 50 times higher than the collision energy the LHC can achieve.
At least 15 similar ultra-high-energy events have been recorded since then, confirming nature to be far more powerful than anything we can do. 50 times more collision energy than the very best machine we have, the LHC.
Imagine it like this: A new family car comes out, a sedan, it's going to be the best sedan made by mankind. And it's the fastest sedan we've made, so you're concerned about accidents, crashes, you wonder if all that speed is really a good thing… all the while, Nature is elsewhere on the highway with sports cars, Formula 1 cars, land speed record holding cars, it even has some tanks out there and some demolition derby entries - Nature is faster and more powerful than anything we can achieve, and if nature can shoot protons at us far better than we can shoot them ourselves, and we are still here to observe them, what is there to fear?
And above all, the LHC is already on, it's already doing it's job and doing it well, even if it isn't as powerful as Nature.
Hi Jessica,
I know that, to you, the 2012 claims seem like actual possibilities, but they aren't. They have nothing to do with reality and the people making them don't know how ridiculous they are because they have no knowledge of science. They just dream up some wild scenario, throw a bunch of scientific terms together to make it sound realistic, and publish it.
Have you read our pages, listed here on the left? You need to understand why these things won't happen before you can actually stop fearing them. The claims all fall into one of these groups.
1. Can't happen at all - rotational pole reversal
2. Can't happen any time soon and don't affect us - geomagnetic reversal
3. Happen regularly, but don't affect us - solar flares
4. Have happened in the distant past, but there is no indication that they will occur again within many thousands of years - supervolcano
5. Are completely misunderstood, can't happen as described, and wouldn't affect us if they could. - planetary alignments (also there are none in 2012).
There are many more, of course, and you can read about them all on our pages.
I believe that UndeadxNurse is correct. You need to seek help to rid yourself of this anxiety. A psychiatrist isn't going to think you are crazy because you are suffering from anxiety. They deal with this regularly. There is no longer any stigma attached to getting psychiatric help. I really hope you do see someone about this and can start enjoying your life again.
Jessica :)
I can asure you the LHC is perfectly safe. back in 2008 I have a lot of worry about it……my thing was black holes *blushes* I was so scared i would start shaking and wanting to be sick, now 2 years on I am teaching my self physics. If you have any questions please feel free to send me a PM.
Stay safe huni :)
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein
I just feel like these are legitimate fears. I mean, I want to see my girls grow up and get married. And every bone in my body feels like that isn't going to happen. I know to the ones on here who laugh at this stuff, it's irrational and stupid. I wish I could be like that. But, I can't!
I know those people too, I have had them myself………….what i tend to say to them is you make fun of me and laugh because you don't understand what is it like to be so scared you can't sleep, eat do anything apart from live in the fear. makes them stop and think you know? believe huni i know where you are coming from in every sense of the word. keep your chin up hun :)
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein
Hello Jessica and Emmylou,
I don't laugh at people who have fears about 2012, for several reasons.
First, there's a whole slew of people who dedicate themselves to stoking those fears for personal gain, using all means available to media that have over a half-century of experience on which to draw. It's no shame to be fooled by them, to at least some extent.
Second, the debunkers' responses are not always models of clarity, and some aren't as convincing as the debunkers seem to think. Therefore, a reasonable person could wonder whether the debunkers are necessarily right.
Third, anxieties are irrational and foolish only if unfounded. A person who's been scared by the "woo industry", and remains frightened after receiving an unsatisfactory response from the debunkers, is not necessarily being irrational and foolish.
Finally, anxieties that are irrational (I won't call them foolish) are no laughing matter. It's cruel (and frankly ignorant) to laugh at people who suffer from them.
Hope this helps.
Having said the above, I also second Alene's advice:
I believe that UndeadxNurse is correct. You need to seek help to rid yourself of this anxiety. A psychiatrist isn't going to think you are crazy because you are suffering from anxiety. They deal with this regularly. There is no longer any stigma attached to getting psychiatric help. I really hope you do see someone about this and can start enjoying your life again.
"I was glad to be able to answer him promptly and with confidence. Without hesitation, I told him I didn't know." Mark Twain
Hi there Jim
Thank you for your reply, it's nice to have people that can understand or at least take the time to explain sometimes a couple of times before it makes any sense, I know from experance that it is sometimes very time consuming but in the end it is worth it :) the only thing that was getting to me was the Aliens that even shocked me because i have no idea why it freaked me out in the first place LOL.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein