Hi Stephanie,
It's good to hear from you. We've been discussing this article at http://www.2012hoax.org/forum/t-276430#post-901919.
"I was glad to be able to answer him promptly and with confidence. Without hesitation, I told him I didn't know." Mark Twain
Now people will be fearing the year 2052 lol
Who cares about the Mayan calander really huh what difference does it make.
Like i said in the last post they have failed with there 2012 BS they have lost there battle once again.
All i worry about in 50 years is there ocean waters going up maybe flooding low land. That is what I am worried more about. Geesh!!!!
Hi Winters,
As you said,
All i worry about in 50 years is there ocean waters going up maybe flooding low land. That is what I am worried more about. Geesh!!!!
Exactly. There are a lot of real problems, and 2012 diverts time and attention from them. This is a point on which at least some of the 2012 faithful are open to reason.
Who cares about the Mayan calendar really huh what difference does it make.
I'm pretty sick of the whole subject too (even though the calendar is itself fascinating, on its own merits!). But it's the linchpin of most of the 2012 fears, so it's worth our while to know about it, so we can better help the people who are terrified of what will happen in 2012.
"I was glad to be able to answer him promptly and with confidence. Without hesitation, I told him I didn't know." Mark Twain
what are the 2012 proponents going to do now lol?? they all linked their story to the mayan calendar and now that its wrong by 50 years LOL Up your Jose Arguelles nancy liede John Major Jenkins i fart in your general direction.
Hi Rory,
You might like to read these posts of mine in the other thread.
I think we should refrain from citing the article Jessica posted, and I also believe there's no need to cite it.
"I was glad to be able to answer him promptly and with confidence. Without hesitation, I told him I didn't know." Mark Twain
Johan Normark has a good article here on Aldanas work.