ok i stumbled upon this site and it seems very convincing there are no tabs for buying stuff of the website just information. i was wondering could u debunk it for me please
… there are no tabs for buying stuff of the website just information.
Are you talking about the right website? Because when I go there I'm inundated. Starting with the top right there is a link for 'advertising' which has some very interesting facts about which sites are linked to this one, plus the pitch "Time is quickly running out and your 2012 related website, product or service has a limited shelf life."
Underneath the advertising link is a "Shop Now" link, taking you to their cafepress site.
Dead center in the middle of the screen is a rotating block ad taking you to their 'survival guide' product.
This is just the top of the first page.
As for the rest of the site, it appears to be something of an aggregator, much of the "2012" content is from other sites.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
The website is a hoax, just like the whole idea of the end of the world in 2012. Don't believe it buddy, it's unbelievably farfetched and it's not going to happen. The world will be here for a very long time, trust me. :D
This is the realist site on the net, with real people and real knowledge. You can trust this website 100%
I agree. Also when you start reading the articles, all sorts of ads appear. Perhaps an agreement with various authors etc for a percentage of featuring their books. Amazon offers such a thing for people to feature on their sites. Link to a book and you get a few pennies for each one that is bought.
http://www.december212012.com/advertising.shtml - it explains how they make money off the site.
I'd like to point at both the upper-right corner of that website, AND the various advertisements it shows. Odds are it's a site that pays for itself due to these little advertisements, and the number of hits on them. There's really nothing to 'debunk' here. And, dumb answer, yes it does sell merchandise and survival crap.
Every 'article' it has posted is debunked in this website's articles. Every last one. It even uses classic examples of total nonsense like Nibiru (Which it claims Eris is Nibiru. If Eris was Nibiru, which it's not, it would have to be a lot closer to smack us in 2012. I think. Even so, we've known about Eris for seven years now. If it were moving closer, amateur astronomers around the world would be up in arms.
It's not.
It also pipes on about the "Mayan Prophecy", which is bull. The Maya didn't do traditional prophecy. They did classical, and classical prophecy is 'speaking of things so broad that they will happen'. Additionally, there were NO 2012 prophecies. Period. Monument 6 is not a prophecy.
They talk about galactic alignments, planetary alignments, meteors, Timewave Zero, 11:11, pole shifts, and various other crap which is commonly associated with 2012. Again, all of this is debunked on this very website.
Ultimately, all that website has done is collected every hoax about 2012 and shoved it into one little bundle of insanity. As for the 'celebrities who believe!', I'm willing to bet most are taken out of context. And, honestly, they used Mel Gibson as a freaking example of one. Mel Gibson is just a money-grubbing douche, at the end of the day. He's hitting on these 'major' 'now' events, like the Passion of the Christ was, and wants to cash in on them. Granted Apocalypto was four years ago, the fact remains.
The website is retarded, end of discussion. You can debunk it yourself with this website on every topic it comes up with.
Wow well thanks for the responses i feel much better now knowing that website is a scam thanks