Hey guys, first post here…just figured you might want to see this
Good find. I particularly like the post:
This site does a good job by exposing bullsh*t like Nancy Lieder, Patrick Geryl, Nibiru etc, but unfortunately it then goes on to promote general Skepperisticism about other subjects too.
I guess we can be skeptical about anything except, say, Aliens. Or God. Or sock stealing Washing Machine Gnomes… Hey, no, don't laugh at me, Washing Machine Gnomes are cold hard fact, why be skeptical about them?
I thought it was Underpants Gnomes at least that's what South Park taught me.
Don't get me started on the Gnome Denominations - you thought Catholics and Protestants were bad, you ain't seen nothing until you've seen Washing Machine vs Underpants.
Which just goes to show belief is stronger than skepticism. It's wronger than skepticism, but the ease at which it can attained has lead it to become a dominant force in life.
"Paid or unpaid amateurish debunkers."
"I've read their debunking article on Patrick Geryl, it was a joke."
"Terrence McKenna debunk was even more of a joke. In fact almost every debunking article is a joke."
"Just been on that site, it is so bias and full of rubbish… nothing more than bias propaganda, there is not much real un-biased research here at all."
"…unfortunately it then goes on to promote general Skepperisticism about other subjects too."
I'm shocked that there hasn't been one single attempt to actually point out and address what we've apparently gotten so terribly wrong.I guess it's so much easier to just say, "You suck," instead of, "You suck, and here's why."
Hi Justin;
Welcome to the site. Don't worry, we don't bite. Well, not hard, anyway.
I'm a bit puzzled by one post in that thread, where he says we are "paid or unpaid"… uh, yeah. We're not paid to debunk anything. In fact I pay to run this site. No, I'm not rich either.
I remember someone over at another forum (I seem to recall it was 'godlikeproductions') that said we were obviously paid by NASA, which was interesting, because NASA has all this money to toss around, which is why they keep going to congress to beg for each and every program… oh wait. Maybe I'm paid by the military… cool. I wonder if I can get a good set of cammies out of the deal?
As far as being 'amateurish'… well, yeah. I'm not a professional debunker. It would be cool to be paid to debunk things, but the only people I know of who do that for a living are on "Mythbusters". (psst, Adam and Jaime? I'm available.)
Anyway, thanks for bringing that thread to our attention, and welcome, once again, to the site. Don't be a stranger.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
I think the posters at Icke's site did not read the reason for this site - to prevent suicide of young people from dire 2012 predictions. Of course, the mission has expanded to confront toxic ideas about 2012.
This site encourages healthy skepticism — Your beliefs should not harm you or others. If they do, then it is time to reexamine why you believe. I guess the 2012 folks fail to understand that basic idea.
Wow must love poeple like that huh. There will always be someone out there trying to trash talk someone else work. Well I say this all who as work on this Site has done a very good job. I come and read every day here to see the great news on people feeling better. I dont post often as my english is not that great and can't write out what I have to say so everyone understand ;o)
Keep up the great work everyone keep posting!!!
We only have 2 years left till this will blow over!!!
The conspiracy theorists are making a new doomsday year probably =/
I wonder how many people are going to commit suicide when it is 2012.
Money causes so much death =/
"Who is David Icke"? More like "Who cares who is David Icke", imo.
At least "we're" getting popular, you know? Even if in the same light we're getting bashed.
Oh, I'm going to answer who David Icke is now, because I can. David Icke is a man who watched WAY too much Doctor Who and took it WAY too seriously. Basically, he believes the world is ruled by reptiles.
He also believes he's the Son of God. (HINT: THIS is why we got that other "Skepperisticism" remark. PS: God is a lie.)
And so on and so forth. Man is nuts.