They started out off-topic, and went downhill from there. When they became a magnet for the "Illuminati conspiracy" types, I removed them. We also don't debunk UFOs or Bigfoot.
These forums are not your one-stop-shop for debunking every strange claim and conspiracy theory out there. We have a focus, and that is the "2012 doomsday" hoax. If someone asks whether "The Illuminati" are connected to 2012, the answer is "no".
We're not going to serve as a platform for promoting an off-topic conspiracy theory, so that people coming here to find answers about 2012 are then confronted with yet another unsupported conspiracy claim.
Frankly I think that our forums have become targeted by some people who wish to promote their pet theories. Since many of the people who come here are already upset and depressed by the "2012" nonsense, I'm not going to have these forums be the vehicle by which they are victimized again. I'll shut them down first.