I don't know what you mean. Is there something unusual about them?
I would check out Volcano World http://volcano.oregonstate.edu/ They have the info you need. They are university run and staffed by volcanologists. A reliable site.
Hi Jessica;
There are volcanoes around the world. One or more of them are always erupting.
Despite what some doomsayers want you to think, there has been no change in the level of volcanic activity worldwide. Having said that, individual volcanoes go through variations in activity. This is normal.
Was there a specific question?
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Jessica: Three words. Ring of Fire. Both Iceland and Indonesia are within it, if my geography is correct. It's possible this is not the case, but either way…
It can easily be explained as seismic activity, which generally pisses volcanoes off. Keep in mind, the earth is a moving, 'living' thing. The earth's plates move and reconstruct over time. It's possible all the volcanic activity is due to that.
Of course, I guess it could be some mystical 2012 thing. Depends on which you think makes more sense.
Of course, I guess it could be some mystical 2012 thing. Depends on which you think makes more sense.
Are you trying to make a name of yourself as the most sarcastic guy on 2012hoax or what? Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't you been told by quite a few anxious persons that sarcasm isn't always the best response to someones fears? What are your motives for constant posting in these forums? The reason why I ask is because you doesn't seem to have any interrest in helping people whatsoever, just ridicule them for falling for this hoax.
And no, Iceland is not located in the Pacific ring of fire, at least not on my map.
Facts are stubborn things.
- Ronald Reagan
Yes. Yes I am. Because these sorts of questions do not cease, as we've had the 'volcanoes are a sign of doom!' thing brought up before. I think within the last month or two.
Now, as for my motives? I should answer that it's due to a desire to annoy you and you alone, but that's just another silly answer. In reality, I do like helping people, by showing them how ludicrous their fears are becoming. There is a difference between my attitude toward a new poster seeking answers, and a poster who has been here for quite some time and is constantly diving head-first into this hoax.
For someone who is new here, I'll give them the same hand-holding treatment the rest of you do. For someone who has been here for an extended period, I'll start to get more and more sarcastic in an attempt to use a reverse method of 'waking them up' from the constant stupor they slam their heads into.
If you constantly hold someone's hand and guide them through their troubles, they will never have the individual strength to break through and see things with their own eyes, and use their own minds. This is where we differ as people of 'healing'.
Now, you can continue to question my character and methods, and I'll simply laugh at your face and go back to what I'm doing. But, let me give you a hint on how this process works. If Jessica starts to feel 'bad' or 'stupid' because of my 'sarcasm', that's the entire point. She will eventually become aware of just how stupid these irrational fears are.
I don't look down on anyone who is afraid of this hoax, that's ludicrous. Don't assume you know me or my actions. My method HAS been effective so far, but apparently I've run into one of the individuals who it's not going to be effective on.
Oh well. Too bad, I tried. Your method of holding her hand and dragging her back out with out her learning for herself how to tell reality against stupidity may be the only way.
My advice for you, Jessica? Be more aware of the world and it's recorded truths. Good luck to you.
PS: Pacific Ring of Fire blah blah blah I googled Iceland + Ring of Fire and got a hit, so I went with it. It was wrong, shock and awe? Then obviously volcanic activity in Iceland = we're all going to die!
But that's just it… She's not going to feel "bad or stupid"
She's going to think that all us skeptics are jerks, and that you, in particular is "too afraid to accept the truth."
Worse yet, is the genuinely scared person who you claim to help, who decided to use the search feature, and finds your posts. They will immediately jump to the conclusion listed above.
Remember, these posts are not just for the specific asker, but for those who use search as well.
As for the actual science here, I concur with Astrogeek.
Don't assume you know me or my actions. My method HAS been effective so far, but apparently I've run into one of the individuals who it's not going to be effective on.
Well, the nice thing is that I don't have to assume I know you, do I? Your juvenile words and actions speak for themselfs. And yeah, you are absolutelly right, your tough-love kind of responses has without a doubt helped more people than Astro/Juju/Alene and so on has managed to do with their way of adressing people. Or?…
Perhaps I'm just being sarcastic here, I'll leave that for you to decide
Facts are stubborn things.
- Ronald Reagan
A lack of sarcasm does not equal "hand holding". Nobody questioned your character. I have serious concerns about your methods.
If you wish to continue posting here you will need to rein in the attitude.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Fair enough, I'll leave the mending to you lot. I'll stick to poking holes in the quacks we get. It is obvious people prefer my sarcastic nature toward the woo-artists we get from time to time, then the sarcastic nature toward our browsers who ask the same questions and continue digging for more 'evidence' that 2012 is real.
My opinion holds that sometimes a slap to the wrist is needed when the 2012-fearful take EVERYTHING as a sign of 2012, as Jessica has shown. But, I understand if my methods are questionable or raise concerns. Apologies again for that.
I will leave a parting note for Jessica, however. A serious one at that. Jessica, the Earth DOES try to periodically kill us. Don't take it as a sign of 2012, but it's simply how this mudball works. Neil deGrasse Tyson has a hilarious video explaining this, and really it might help if you check it out. I think it might be linked here, but otherwise just do a browse for his videos.
In the end, don't fear death. Fear the time you're losing due to this 2012 nonsense.
I happened to browse the website snorks posted and read a couple of the 'newsworthy' articles posted today and one of them does mention a flood in the Gigjukvisl river and how this flooding can trigger yet another eruption. I know that when the Eyjafjallajokull volcano eruption began to wind down, many were worried about Katla erupting and the magnitude at which it could erupt. The article says,
“In 2004, sufficient pressure accumilated in the magma chamber under Grimsvotn volcano. The same thing is happening now – there is currently a lot of magma in the magma chamber under pressure and it is therefore possible that the events of 2004 will repeat themselves.”
I have done a lot of reading and am aware that a Katla eruption is not eminent nor is it even a guarantee, scientists are simply going by history of activity, but I can't help but wonder if the rest of the volcanic/seismic activity within the last year or so is helping to possibly unleash a heaping helping of some real damage.
And in another article about all the Indonesia volcanic activity, it says,
Geologist Brent McInnes said as he hadn't seen the raw data but would find such a rash of volcanic activity significant.
"If it's true that there are over 20 volcanos demonstrating increased levels of seismic activity, then that is something we should pay attention to," said McInnes, a professor at Australia's Curtin University who has done extensive volcanic research in Indonesia.
He said such an increase could indicate "a major plate restructuring" — a major shift in the plates' position, rather than simply the usual jostling. "That would be significant."
But seismologists also caution that while eruption patterns can be studied, neither earthquakes nor volcanos can be predicted with any precision.
"My theory is that it is just a normal, random fluctuation of volcanic activity," said John Ebel, professor of geophysics at Boston University.
Is all this simultaneous activity a real cause for concern (with the relation to 2012 set aside)? It seems as though some are dismissing it as normal seismic activity while others aren't so willing to overlook it as normal. What do y'all think of the correlation and do you think it's a cause for concern?
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
Well, volcanoes are always a cause for concern, especially if you are close to an active one.
The real question here is this: Does the current level of activity indicate anything other than a normal fluctuation?
I don't think it does, but then again I am not a vulcanologist. As always, news organizations tend to wildly speculate in advance of evidence, and this does not appear to be a departure from that behavior.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Is all this simultaneous activity a real cause for concern (with the relation to 2012 set aside)? It seems as though some are dismissing it as normal seismic activity while others aren't so willing to overlook it as normal.
I think Astrogeek asked the operative question: "Does the current level of activity indicate anything other than a normal fluctuation?"
…one of them does mention a flood in the Gigjukvisl river and how this flooding can trigger yet another eruption.
That's not exactly true. The flooding is a result of the ground heating up, melting the ice and snow. It is not a cause of any particular eruption, but a possible symptom of an impending one.
Ahhh, ok, I get it. I misunderstood what I was reading :O Oopsies! Ok, so this flooding that they're talking about isn't going to trigger another eruption, rather it's an indication that another one could be coming…that makes sense. Thanks Juju! With that being said Juju, what do you think about the question Astro phrased?
How significant would a "major plate restructuring" be as compared to the normal jostling, as the author describes in the 2nd article?
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
How significant would a "major plate restructuring" be as compared to the normal jostling, as the author describes in the 2nd article?
That's going to depend on what is meant by "normal jostling" and "significant." Ups and downs in volcanic activity, sometimes wild swings, are "normal jostling," AFAIK, especially in the region we're talking about. Even a "major plate restructuring" is not unusual in geologic terms. Of course, such events, even minor ones, are significant from a human perspective when they strike populated areas, which is more and more likely as the world population grows.
I'm not too sure what is meant by the terms "normal jostling"…or "major plate restructuring." I pulled them straight from the article. I was hoping someone could shed some light (or at least attempt to) as to what this guy means..he kinda makes 'major plate restructuring' sound like it would be totally out of the realm of normal activity and the fact that he does not elaborate on his terms, this just leaves the door wide open for speculation for people who do not know anything about seismic and/or volcanic activity.
Just sayin'!
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
If I could hazard a couple of guesses…
First: I think that the verbiage in that report is most likely 'off the cuff' remarks by the scientist, trying to explain geology to a reporter, and that is what got printed. Having dealt with news organizations before, I can tell you that a 20 minute interview can turn into 1 sound byte and 10 words by the time it makes it to print or TV.
So, without seeing the full text of the interview, I would not place any weight in what the scientist was reported to have said. It is almost certainly out of context.
Second; What is printed in a news report is not science. Science happens when scientists practice the scientific method, which includes peer review. What is printed in a newspaper is one scientist's opinion, and perhaps not even that (see above). When a scientist writes a paper for publication in a peer reviewed journal, terms like "normal jostling" or "major plate restructuring" would not appear without a corresponding definition, indicating exactly what those terms mean to the scientists who wrote the paper.
I am not saying that the scientist didn't say those things, I am just saying that without the missing context, you can't even begin to tell what the scientist was intending to say.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind
Well said, thanks Astro! I've tried to do a couple searches to see if I could find any peer reviewed websites/publications on the recent activity, but to no avail. Would you happen to know of any sources/sites that would provide recent peer reviewed information?
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
- Shakespeare
I would think that if these references existed, the scientist would have mentioned them. I can't seem to find much of anything, but then again, I am not a geologist, and I have no idea what I should be looking for. However, the fact that no references are provided is a strong indicator to me that they do not exist. Therefore the scientist's comments should be treated for what they are: off the cuff, out of context, and unsupported.
"Do you ever think about things you do think about?" - Henry Drummond to Matthew Harrison Brady in Inherit the Wind