Hi everyone! This is a great site, I've been having a lot of fun reading up on all these rumours and hoaxes, plus I've learned a lot about astronomy!
I am a 31 year old mommy to two kiddos. I graduated from the University of California system, I consider myself fairly smart and logical, but I fell hard for this 2012 propaganda. I can only imagine what is going through the minds of some of the kids reading about this stuff! I was raised Catholic, but I've been moved to explore spirituality from all sorts of venues. I've always been interested in different world religions, "new thought" spirituality, etc… And growing up in Northern California, the "new age" movement was around me since birth. I started with the soft stuff — you know, crystals, auras, psychics, angels, that kind of stuff — harmless. But I found myself down the rabbit-hole of wackery — ET's, channelings, lightworkers, government conspiracies, etc… I, oddly, found out about 2012 when I was researching some natural parenting stuff online — and OMG! — found a bunch of women claiming to be "aware mothers" parenting Indigo Children and getting "dna activations" in order to "ascend into 5d reality" by 2012. It is so insane!!! But, eek, I found it hard not to get sucked in… What if it's true?? What if something big is going on?
I was also a journalist for several years. I've worked in mainstream news, but much of my career has been spent with a somewhat large-ish yet totally radical and propagandistic broadcasting company based in Berkeley that was heavily into government conspiracies and "fight The Man" kind of stuff. In fact, I was practically raised by angry baby-boomer paranoid ultra-liberals (my mom is a 9/11 truther and my elementary school teacher was a famous Berkeley Radical from the 60's.). So, in short, all this 2012 stuff was right up my alley so to speak.
When the movie came out, I realized it was a joke. I felt better about that.
Right now I'm trying to de-program my mind from all this out-there, woo cultish nonsense. This website and also another, if I may share it here, really, really helped show how the lion's share of these new-age authors and websites are just plain scams.